stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

she claims not to be a 'poser' yet the 3 iron maiden songs she names are the famous ones :erk:

:lol: She also says that the t-shirt belongs to her brother (if I remember right), I'd watch the video again to make sure but I can't stand it haha.

well it's good to see her trying other things, you don't get that with a lot of the general population. if she really does like them, then i tip my hat to a fellow music lover.
Haha. Seems you folks here have dreams as screwy as mine! I always have really vivid dreams too, and for some reason I remember my dreams almost every single night, although most fade after about a week and I forget about them. The great thing about my dreams is that I can almost always fly, or at least jump ridiculous heights/distances at a time, which usually mixes in with me getting into fights.

One particular dream that I remember, I was just walking through my old city and I heard Godzilla (yes, Godzilla) was attacking, so everyone was fleeing to Futureshop (A very large tech-store chain here). Only Futureshop seemed to be more of a guns and knife store that sold giant windtunnel fans on the side. By the end of the dream I was leaping like 300 feet high at a time and attacking Godzilla's face with a lightsaber, but there were other people helping me.... Of course at the time this seemed totally normal...

Everyone has lightsabers and fights monsters... Clearly. It's strange how your brain usually can't figure out that something is amiss. Even a dream I had where in order to escape an angry mob in a schoolyard, I had to run on my hands. Nope... That's totally fine brain. I actually had a lucid dream two nights ago too but I was in the Ocarina Of Time world. Not sure why.

Miley Cyrus is a dingbat, but at least she isn't completely without taste