stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

lol a guy watching you while you take the shower?! hahahaha... sometimes I dream I'm walking on the street without pants, once I get home I realize that I already have pants but no shoes.

I gave up on being a game designer, 6 years of college... Plus my capabilities with programs and even simple encoding are not high. Maybe Dusty could be my teacher


Are you forgetting, I'm an artist? I'm as dumb as a box of rocks when it comes to programming, my friend.

I pretty much got a consistent D- in all math....ever.

guys dreaming about being without pants is normal, in fact if a guy hasn't had that dream they are wierd
I have this wicked dream every now and then, where I'm on a swing, swinging away, then the swingset starts to get bigger and bigger and bigger, and it gets so big that I can't see anything on the ground and then I jump :lol: I start flying and it feels awesome, but when I start approaching the ground again I start to get scared because I don't know how to stop, but eventually I realize it's a dream and I wake up haha. I've had the same dream many times and I'm in a different place every time (some woods, football pitch...etc) :lol:
:lol: Oh but it doesn't stop time I was on the swing while on my bike :lol: and another time I was in a car...and I'm not kidding :p
Take shrooms and go on a trip :lol:
But seriously, I've heard good things about shrooms haha, I'd like to try it at least once :p
Mushrooms are illegal here since like 2 months or so. HO NOEEES.

I want to go to bed, but my neck hurts so fucking much it's as if there's gas from an operation in my shoulder. Really. fucking. annoying. Didn't sleep for 3 days when I had that. Yay.