stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!


You probably did it wrong :lol: Don't forget to keep the neck warm, that's the most important thing.

On a different note, I'm seeing Napalm Death on saturday :D
I've been wearing a scarf all day, even though it was hot as fuck at work. Used lots of tigerbalm too, but that stuff doesn't do anything else than smelling bad and hurting your eyes.
I might go to Hellfire Fest, just to laugh at Alestorm's new album. Yay.
Sorry, I don't make movez on the internet. However, she's moving to England soon sooo....:lol:

Also Nick, why the hell is your avatar messed up like that on my screen? :erk:

Are you forgetting, I'm an artist? I'm as dumb as a box of rocks when it comes to programming, my friend.

I pretty much got a consistent D- in all math....ever.


:lol: well you're still a couple leaps ahead of I, sir. Most technical thing I've done with a computer is make stick figures in paint and turn them into an image game where you get multiple choices, and each choice leads to a different ending lol. Not to mention my teacher probably did half of it for me.