stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

I just got back from seeing My Bloody Valentine in 3D. It started off cool. First ten minutes was some blonde chick running around naked in 3D. It definitely had some impressive effects as well. But the story and acting were absolutely horrific! Not to mention worst twist at the end ever. At least it was really gory and I now I have cool 3D glasses. :cool:

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I wanna see that movie :D I don't really care if the acting is crap, I just wanna see the 3D :lol: I've seen Beowulf (amazing 3D!) and Journey to the Center of the Earth in 3D and they were great, the 3D never fails to impress me haha.
Well, I got my fringe...doesn't look too bad :p I look like someone out of a hair metal band from the 80's with my hair all puffed out :lol: