stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Started watching the TV series Hannibal. I didn't even know there was a TV show! So far it seems like the characters are closer to what I imagine the author had in mind. Will Graham is much more tortured by his job in this it's quite interesting. Also casting Mads Mikkelsen as Lecter was a pretty interesting choice, but he pulls off the creepy nature and feel quite well so far without going over the top like Anthony Hopkins (his portrayal is iconic but not accurate for such a chameleon-like Serial killer).
did not know they were books. (inb4readingfagshangme)

actually glad to hear it is good, i was interested but hannibal rising was such crap haha, i liked red dragon tho
did not know they were books. (inb4readingfagshangme)

actually glad to hear it is good, i was interested but hannibal rising was such crap haha, i liked red dragon tho

Yeah Hannibal rising had bad pacing and lame characters. Red Dragon and Silence of the clams were both solid though. Hannibal the movie was shit in my opinion. The Tv show has promise though. It's weird because Hannibal himself is downplayed quite a bit, he lurks but he takes a backseat so far. I guess the movies were like that too though. He gets front and center attention but he is more of a supporting character