stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Just do something original with it. Like... always have a cheese doodle sticking out your ear and never mention it. Or, always end the videos with a fart, or always die in the end.
I was listening to a Talk Radio station today (the only thing I listen to on the radio to be honest... Love me some science and political talk radio). They said that in Sweden reading and writing are taught later in the education system than here because it promotes a more open brain development.

Apparently when you teach a child reading and writing in a primary language (with emphasis) too early it develops certain sections of the brain and it kind of limits a child's future ability to pick up new language concepts. Instead they are more concerned with creative education, with a heavy focus on music and the arts during the younger years (before age 7). This way when they fully immerse the child in language it promotes a broader concept of language, including the ability to understand languages that are more focused on pictograph language, as opposed to a standard alphabet where each letter has a sound. It also puts them more in tune with both the right/left sides of the brain (a broad term I know) which helps for a more diverse type of thinking.

Is this asshole pumping me full of shit?

I'm totally serious I want to know. lol
Sick and tired of people who act like they are important and have it together when they are just about as boring as paint drying. Sick and tired of seeing these hot women dating these trashy looking ICP Slim Shady dumb shits. They are nothing but douche bags. This kind of crap makes me sick... And this is why I don't go to the bars anymore.