stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

This was one awful night. Ok first at work my co worker came in being his regular dbag self (but only worse) and showing off his new watch that he bought and everyone started gazing into it like it was the first watch ever invented acting like he is the freaking mayor of the town. Then I was invited to the bar with some of my friends and I went not long after 2 beers I left. I decided that enough humiliation for one night due to countless unsuccessful flirts with the local women. Alright fine you wasn't interested. You have a boyfriend that's fine as well. Then I see them go off with these odd looking ICP Slim Shady dudes that was treating them like crap. I was like Dafuq? You mean to tell me that you would rather put up with that rather than talk to me or give me the time of day? //////rant over....
It is said a lot but sometimes people don't realize how true it is. Ladies like guys that a fucking douchebags. Im eternally in the friend zone for this reason, it sucks I know. I have been rejected consistently for this reason. I am not a model but Im decent looking, I treat girls with respect and I always help when they need something. I dont even try anymore, it gets old being told I'm just a good friend and then 10 minutes later "I wish I could get with a nice guy like you". Its actually quite frustrating, knocks you down eventually. I feel your pain man. BTW playing in a death metal band doesnt help get them either :lol:
Holy fuck I love Game of Thrones. I let a few episodes build up so I can watch a few in a row, Daenerys just kicked all kinds of ass. Awesome:)

So what happens when the series catches up to the books? I hear the author is painfully slow in releasing each book