stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

OMG this country...

That's typical modern Republicans man. You guys have some seriously stupid and dangerous people in your government and they keep getting elected because over zealous twits with ideological missions always turn up to vote because they want their views pushed on the majority.

Sadly that story isnt anywhere near as bad as some of the shit Republicans are spewing. And if it isn't extremist christian "values" it's greedy assholes owned by corporations there to make a few people very rich and tell people in poverty they are losers and dont even deserve healthcare or basic income needs. Get them out of office.
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Turkish people also make amazing ripoffs of Hollywood movies. I'm sure everyone knows aobut this, but I am posting it again anyways. Watch out for the debris and people flying TOWARDS the rocket explosions

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Losing weight is 80% food and 20% working out. You can work out like there is no tomorrow but if you continue eating too much, you wont lose anything.