stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

How is losing weight 80% diet? That's so inaccurate it's ridiculous unless your regular diet consists of 10 pizzas a day and you're cutting back to a salad a day. The best way to lose weight and get fit will ALWAYS be exercise and a diet that works together with the amount of exercise you do. You should take in healthy foods and the amount of calories necessary to have a good workout without starving your body of proteins require to do the workout in the first place. Building a bit of muscle will increases your metabolism which is the easiest way to maintain weight to begin with. This is because muscles require energy to feed, so the more muscle you gain jogging or whatever you do the more fat you will burn off even when you are in a resting period. You should take in a proper amount of calories to balance this out and keep energy levels high.

I've known way too many girls that do the dumbest diets ever trying to lose weight and it's very unhealthy. They ALWAYS gain it back because eventually they are going to want to eat regular food, and their metabolism slows down because they didn't take in proper nutrients and don't have an exercise regiment.

If you knew all that then I apologize for my rambling. I'm slightly sensitive to ladies doing it the unhealthy way, I had an ex-gf that developed an eating disorder over this kind of thinking.

Man I totally over-reacted but fuck it. My statement stands :lol:
But you gained muscles, and muscles weigh 3 times more than fat :3 There were times when i would gained weight but my clothes would beome too big for me. I lost fat(which takes a lot of ''space'' but its super light) and gained muscles... Im going to Vienna tomorrow and after i come back ill start dieting. Diets are frustrating and no chocolate is allowed :(
How is losing weight 80% diet? That's so inaccurate it's ridiculous unless your regular diet consists of 10 pizzas a day and you're cutting back to a salad a day. The best way to lose weight and get fit will ALWAYS be exercise and a diet that works together with the amount of exercise you do. You should take in healthy foods and the amount of calories necessary to have a good workout without starving your body of proteins require to do the workout in the first place. Building a bit of muscle will increases your metabolism which is the easiest way to maintain weight to begin with. This is because muscles require energy to feed, so the more muscle you gain jogging or whatever you do the more fat you will burn off even when you are in a resting period. You should take in a proper amount of calories to balance this out and keep energy levels high.

I've known way too many girls that do the dumbest diets ever trying to lose weight and it's very unhealthy. They ALWAYS gain it back because eventually they are going to want to eat regular food, and their metabolism slows down because they didn't take in proper nutrients and don't have an exercise regiment.

If you knew all that then I apologize for my rambling. I'm slightly sensitive to ladies doing it the unhealthy way, I had an ex-gf that developed an eating disorder over this kind of thinking.

Man I totally over-reacted but fuck it. My statement stands :lol:

But im not going on a crazy diet, just good old low carb which lets me eat till im full, helps with reducing apetite and gives me a safe 1 kg loss per week.
Im totally against any crazy diet, since your body gets used to small amounts of food and then you quickly gain everything back.
Ive been on many crazy diets, and finaly realised that they just dont work. Few yars ago i lost almost 30 kg thanx to low carb, i did blood tests and ive never been healthier :)