stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Anyone remembers this gold

Not all christians are like that :)

Oh I know, but as far as I'm concerned Christianity as a religion and as a whole is still evil. Even if there are plenty of practicing Christians that are good people with good intentions I don't think that their religion is the reason for them being moral people, they would have turned out just fine without the Bible.

Most people by nature are okay regardless of religion, and the ones that are bad people just get to use religion as an excuse for being ignorant bigoted fools. It validates their bad behaviour, where if they didn't have that to fall back on they would have no excuse for being the way they are. Christianity overall is still a plague to human progress, and the amount of people doing good in the name of god does not come anywhere close to the amount of people committing atrocities in the name of god. Do away with it I say!

Caleb like big ramble, many words.

You can't call yourself Faceless anymore Maja!!
Does anyone else really like swords? I do. I like swords. And fireworks. What if I were to attach some fireworks to a sword and fire sword lasers? That would be badass. Swords...
finally got a job, fuck.

also ya, canada = sweden. every swede on here im like "yea i bet if we met we'd drink some beers and never have an argument"

Anyone remembers this gold


hahaha omg, my all time favorite is still him as a james bond villian :lol:

i have to update msn to be able to log in lol, we should catch up sometime regardless :D