stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

I am bothered by the fact that music is becoming so saturated and available that even great and well-known bands are not capable of making a living from their passion and often greatest investment. The worst part is I feel like I play a role in it, I listen to music I don't pay for all the time.

Unsurprisingly one of the biggest problems in the music industry is manufacturing and greed. Too many Artists are being forced into the mainstream by major record companies by buying air-time and basically telling the public "This is a Grammy worthy CD, so you better buy it and like it". For some reason a lot of people just want to listen to whatever the radio plays and whatever is popular. I can't imagine myself paying hundreds of dollars to see a puppet sing songs they didn't even write, just because that is what got weaseled into airplay.

Or maybe the Metal genre is just stretched too thin...
I am bothered by the fact that music is becoming so saturated and available that even great and well-known bands are not capable of making a living from their passion and often greatest investment. The worst part is I feel like I play a role in it, I listen to music I don't pay for all the time.

Unsurprisingly one of the biggest problems in the music industry is manufacturing and greed. Too many Artists are being forced into the mainstream by major record companies by buying air-time and basically telling the public "This is a Grammy worthy CD, so you better buy it and like it". For some reason a lot of people just want to listen to whatever the radio plays and whatever is popular. I can't imagine myself paying hundreds of dollars to see a puppet sing songs they didn't even write, just because that is what got weaseled into airplay.

Or maybe the Metal genre is just stretched too thin...

The problem is that the internet has made everything available and neither record companies nor bands can make as much money anymore like they used to in the 80s and early 90s. This has led to utter horrors like the pay-to-play phenomenon where smaller bands need to pay to go on tours, not the other way around and even small venues and clubs often use the pay-to-play deal.
New bands do not have the same possibility to become giant world touring arena acts anymore, there cannot be a new Metallica or Iron Maiden because the music industry cannot build new bands to that level anymore.

The worst thing is that people who listen to music novadays feel like they should not have to pay for music nor even to see a band perform.
I have had so many people asking me about Desolator and if I can give them a cd and when I say no and tell them that they have to buy a cd they almost get offended.....
Yeah. I kind of feel like I missed the golden age with those huge concerts and people actually having to buy and trade cassettes. Seems like there was more passion too. I guess we still have sweet metal festivals but I have to travel halfway across the world to get there.

One thing I have always sworn to myself is that I ever make a lot of money or win it I will buy every movie and CD I have listened to for free and create a legit monster collection. Oh and buy a fuckload more bandshirts (direct if possible).

And who the hell asks for a free CD from the band that releases it? Even if you know someone in the band you shouldnt ask for that, if they offer it then that is different. Hell knowing them makes it a better reason for wanting to buy it. That's why I made sure I bought the album plus that hawt shirt rather than stream the shit out of the bandcamp page :lol:.
Yeah. I kind of feel like I missed the golden age with those huge concerts and people actually having to buy and trade cassettes. Seems like there was more passion too. I guess we still have sweet metal festivals but I have to travel halfway across the world to get there.

One thing I have always sworn to myself is that I ever make a lot of money or win it I will buy every movie and CD I have listened to for free and create a legit monster collection. Oh and buy a fuckload more bandshirts (direct if possible).

And who the hell asks for a free CD from the band that releases it? Even if you know someone in the band you shouldnt ask for that, if they offer it then that is different. Hell knowing them makes it a better reason for wanting to buy it. That's why I made sure I bought the album plus that hawt shirt rather than stream the shit out of the bandcamp page :lol:.

Hehe I might not have a "monster collection" but I do own about 700 CDs and about 200 LPs and I am very proud of that :kickass:

You would be surprised at how some people really have no shame. And yes one should support bands by buying direct from them whenever possible.
do anyone know what kinda of gear Opeth used on Damnation, like in the beginning of windowpane/hope leaves? some delay and some chorus?