stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

i dont know if we would win the most replied thread, but im pretty sure stefan would win the most posts ever in any board
There is a dude on Cnet with like 200K+ posts, most of them real replies (no :)). And I'm sure that somewhere out there, is some shut-in guy posing as a girl on an anime board with 500k+ posts. :lol:
So last week I tried to ask a girl from work on a date and she literally high tailed it out the door when I turned around for less than a minute. It was so abrupt and weird that I really had no choice but to laugh about it. So naturally today seemed like a good opportunity to ask her again (this time with text) and torpedo any chance of things not being awkward at work. I'm subtle like that. So far she has not responded so I'm thinking of calling her since I'm already on a roll after all. :lol:

Man getting back into dating can be both entertaining and disappointing, but I may as well have some fun with it. :)
So last week I tried to ask a girl from work on a date and she literally high tailed it out the door when I turned around for less than a minute. It was so abrupt and weird that I really had no choice but to laugh about it. So naturally today seemed like a good opportunity to ask her again (this time with text) and torpedo any chance of things not being awkward at work. I'm subtle like that. So far she has not responded so I'm thinking of calling her since I'm already on a roll after all. :lol:

Man getting back into dating can be both entertaining and disappointing, but I may as well have some fun with it. :)

Ofta. I've been casually fucking a coworker. No ties etc. Her ex is working here now, and all I could think about was her moaning / beggingwhen I shook his hand.
So last week I tried to ask a girl from work on a date and she literally high tailed it out the door when I turned around for less than a minute. It was so abrupt and weird that I really had no choice but to laugh about it. So naturally today seemed like a good opportunity to ask her again (this time with text) and torpedo any chance of things not being awkward at work. I'm subtle like that. So far she has not responded so I'm thinking of calling her since I'm already on a roll after all. :lol:

Man getting back into dating can be both entertaining and disappointing, but I may as well have some fun with it. :)


man i hear you :p. but the nice thing is theres people out there just like you. and theres tons of hilarity at the missteps (i find them to be very "who gives a fuck" at this point). i have a story i was gonna keep to myself from a year ago or so, but i guess ill share since were all in love.

so i worked with a girl, she seemed nice. every time i talked to her i somehow fucked it up, im great like that. heres an example.
her- "hey niki, what are you doing this weekend"
me- "nothing much, you?"
"babysitting my nephew"
"that sucks lol"
" niki....i love my nephew"
ah......*i just turn away, im at my desk so i cant even leave*

but i managed to top that. she was doing some shit for abortion rights around here, so i sent her a message like hey its nice to see youre sticking up for womens rights blah blah blah women bear our children blah blah blah buncha women BS.

she responds with something like oh thats great, so glad to have support etc.

and i respond with, and i kid you not
" like abortion, i like abortion, maybe we go out sometime?"

:erk::puke:i thought it was funny:puke::erk:
:lol:! That is the best pickup line I have heard in a long time. Haha. I really can't top that right now, I was trying for a humorous persistence rather than a complete self-destruction of my chances. Sometimes I do say those really inappropriate almost dry comments but in a dating context most girls wouldn't react in the way I intended the joke. Although that doesn't usually stop me, I have chosen to take the high ground and keep things around college frat level. For her pleasure.

You went full retard. :lol: