stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

You Swedes have it great. You don't have to deal with people telling you that you need to believe in some "god" or having people tell you that being Liberal/independent is wrong. Just cause it is written in a book does not mean that it is true.

And this is why I complain 90% of the time on Facebook.
I did this quiz thing online and it said that I belong in a state like Wyoming. No clue why... But I can barely afford to live in this Swamp of a state like Mississippi. So New York is out of the question. Stuff like "OMG they are going to take our guns" "Obamacare" "git er done" crap makes me weep.
I did this quiz thing online and it said that I belong in a state like Wyoming. No clue why... But I can barely afford to live in this Swamp of a state like Mississippi. So New York is out of the question. Stuff like "OMG they are going to take our guns" "Obamacare" "git er done" crap makes me weep.

study more? i'm a lazy bastard not very keen on studying but i need money to move out too. so i'm doing a MBA and soon as i'm done i'm doing a masters.
You Swedes have it great. You don't have to deal with people telling you that you need to believe in some "god" or having people tell you that being Liberal/independent is wrong. Just cause it is written in a book does not mean that it is true.

And this is why I complain 90% of the time on Facebook.

Yes we have death metal instead of christianity :)
A much better set of values. That's right, a bunch of guys brandishing anti-religious or Satanist symbols roaring about Death, the Apocalypse and brutality have much better morals and values than any Christian, mostly because the Bible talks about the same thing but Christians take it seriously and are prepared to do anything to force you to believe it too.

Silly Christians, the end of the world is for Metal!