stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Maja is our resident guy pretending to be a girl.

Caleb, i'm down. Come partah with Jason n' Jason. You sound like a similar drunk to myself, tbh.
In Serbia, back in 2010 or so, those cheap cigars called Moods got super popular, cause somebody found out that after you smoke one or two, every alcohol tastes like water. People got a bit wild with it though. Good ol times :(
Jesus christ in a hand bag this thread hasn't seen this frequency of posting in ages. What the fuck are we all doing on at the same time?
i used to go for the cheap and volume, like get 4 liters of wine for like 5 bucks, and cheap ass gasoline vodka.


but i'm much more relaxed now, only drinking seldom and some more classic stuff, Stolichnaya and Jameson
ive got some good stories lol. i only started drinking at 19 (27 now...i think. EDIT: fuck lol, im actually only 26) haha.

first time i got wasted was on jack daniels. i ended up racing someone, well i thought i was. turned out they said GO and i was off like a shot...the other guy just stood and laughed. they found me in a snowbank, i forget where i woke up, but it wasnt home.

i got shitfaced at a friends wedding and danced like a crazy man with his aunt (imagine a 50 year old woman twerkin on me....actually dont please). next morning i promptly threw up. it was orange at first and then a very very deep black.

went to a lodge in the woods. all of us found instruments (me on tha motha fuckin accordion) and wrote a bunch of songs all titled "the man from isreal". i ended up drinking jack daniels (that piece of shit) and eating half a coconut cream pie, then puking it all up over the next 16 hours or so. i actually felt i almost died that night, i was shaking uncontrollably, couldnt even keep water down. i started sweating so hard i passed out on the toilet the next morning lol.

2 weeks ago i got super drunk with my best friends (married couple) and a girl they brought. last thing i remember is we went into a back alley cause some guys offered us weed. nice guys as it turned out. somehow that girl actually kinda likes me now lol.

no one goes hard like me :D. in reality these are all fairly rare and with 6 months to a few years between each one.
Yeah don't be an arsehole. We have seen photographic evidence and heard Maja's voice with her awesome accent.

Maja being a guy was a forum meme menggggg, just jesting (which i've gotten the impression she is emotionally stable enough to dole out / take).