stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

I don't have a problem dating people who like different music to me, however I do seem to experience a lot of guys telling me that my music taste or dress sense is a major "turn off" :lol:
I have only been with one girl that was into metal and she was kinda crazy. It was however probably the most fun relationship I've ever had if you could get past the damaged mind.

Music isn't everything but when music is an important part of your life it helps to be able to enjoy the same music together, even if it is just a middle ground for both of you (you know maybe not your favourite but you both enjoy it still).

I am getting a bit tired of being the one that has to put up with their shitty music when it's time to turn it on, I'm able to keep quiet about it but it seems most people can't shut the fuck up when I want to play something I like, even if it hardly ever happens.

Who am I kidding I'm perpetually single anyways.
On the bright side I went out on a date two weeks ago. The bad part was we didn't share anything in common.

Liking similar things is overrated. You just need to hate the same stuff, then it's all good :)

I am getting a bit tired of being the one that has to put up with their shitty music when it's time to turn it on, I'm able to keep quiet about it but it seems most people can't shut the fuck up when I want to play something I like, even if it hardly ever happens.

So much this. I once had this chick ask me if I was a satanist when I put on Immolation at a party for laughs. She was dead serious :erk:
this thread is sometimes so hilarious lol.

get over that "she doesn't listen to metal" stuff or you will be single forever. The one i'm with now like 90's pop music and we get along great.


extreme metal is just one part of me, to date a girl based purely on that would be like dating a girl because she likes to go for walks lol.

play to the atmosphere, if im at a party i probably wont put on regurgitate, but i might throw on some black sabbath, maybe KISS, maybe tom petty. its a respect thing for me, lets find something we can all enjoy