stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Yip! Most are quick to shoot it down (hehe get it rofl) but I loved how many people died in it.

I also love this picture:

Okay, so I just did some bad math and I think I figured out how many people are going to die in Rambo 5.

So from Rambo 1 to Rambo 2, the amount of people dying increases from 1 to 69. That's 69 times as many. Then from Rambo 2 to Rambo 3, just under twice as many people die (132), I just rounded up to twice as many for ease (and because I really am terrible at math.) The multiplied average of dying people is now about 34,5. From Rambo 3 to Rambo 4 it's also just about twice the amount of people dying (236), so let's round down to twice as many. The average multiplication from the movies is now half of what it was in Rambo 1 through 3, putting us at an astonishing 17,25 times multiplied death increase per sequel in average. With that flawless logic, I've concluded that 4071 people are going to die in Rambo 5, making it the movie with the most deaths ever, taking the number one spot (Lord of the Rings 3) over 5 times. Amazing! Proof:


Man you went all out on that one. haha

Rambo 4 was brutal as fuck, awesome. Surprisingly I never really watched the entire series besides Rambo 2 playing in the background at someone's place. I have seen Rambo 1 and 4 entirely and they are both quite good. By reputation I went into Rambo 1 thinking it was going to be a cheesy action fest only to discover it is actually a legitimately good drama/action movie hybrid.

I should probably fix this and see 2 and 3 some time....
Rambo isn't famous for the first movie though; the other ones are so different and just so far from the original that I barely even consider it a franchise really.. But do go and watch 2 and 3, you're missing out!

Also bump because it took me half an hour to figure this out :loco:

Okay, so I just did some bad math and I think I figured out how many people are going to die in Rambo 5.

So from Rambo 1 to Rambo 2, the amount of people dying increases from 1 to 69. That's 69 times as many. Then from Rambo 2 to Rambo 3, just under twice as many people die (132), I just rounded up to twice as many for ease (and because I really am terrible at math.) The multiplied average of dying people is now about 34,5. From Rambo 3 to Rambo 4 it's also just about twice the amount of people dying (236), so let's round down to twice as many. The average multiplication from the movies is now half of what it was in Rambo 1 through 3, putting us at an astonishing 17,25 times multiplied death increase per sequel in average. With that flawless logic, I've concluded that 4071 people are going to die in Rambo 5, making it the movie with the most deaths ever, taking the number one spot (Lord of the Rings 3) over 5 times. Amazing! Proof:

Sometimes I like to insert completely irrelevent, pointless and stupid comments in the middle of people's serious Facebook conversations. I don't know why I just get a kick out of "I CANT FIND MY GOBLIN TITTIES!" in the middle of a heated discussion.
Or when someone leaves a "Goodmorning, I love you" message on their gf/bf's wall, I and just jump right in with "I love refried beans". Before or after the reply, it all counts