stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

But im not fuckin judging entire group, if you are not greeting me with "Hi aex, just a daily reminder im gay, so tolerate me"

Lol, since majority of eastern Europe is homophobic as fuck, not like any gay person would just randomly come to you and say ''Hai, im ghei, bear with me''. Most of them are in the closet, and cant even come out to their parents.

You cant even live your life without thinking about fate of people you dont even know. Why do you care. Why would you care. I dont get it, i see no advantages of being empathetic.

This makes me really sad :(

Why do i even bother with you :loco:
Now comes the part where I shoukd demand tolerance for my intolerance and shit, but I got bored with the topic, im happy that i dont care, you're happy that you care, so again, keep your equality bullshit to yourselves, this trend wont last long anyways. Russia could easly eradicate it but I heard putin-chan has pancreatic cancer (or how you spell it) so there is no need to be afraid of russia anymore if thats true. Life will become boring again until ISIS starts their jihad.
What if I told you that the survivors of lets say burning building wont care if some Aexalven or PowerBlade from afar give a fuck about them or not. Empathy should be reserved for people you know and care about, not for 7 billion fuckin people. Hell, I even cared that some of your relatives died, because I talked to you, why not, seems natural to me. Giving a fuck about everyone in the world isnt. Sorry.
Warning: This post will reference my junk.

Last night I had a dream my penis fell off, came to life and started rolling around my apartment on its balls (really clumsily). It kept running into walls and my desk, and soon a bunch of these "Penis bugs" as I call them were assembling in a donut shop that was part of my living room. Also their single eyes glowed when they rolled really fast.

It was simultaneously awesome and really gay. :lol:
Too bad this forum will be down, these years with ya'll have been pretty kewl :( Although there werent a lot of us, but we are all from different continents and cultures. People are equally funny and retarded no matter where you are.