stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

But Shamrock was a mixed martial artist and a real fighter before he begun pro-wrestling....there was way more money in pro-wrestling back then than in any real martial arts so alot of good fighters signed with either wwe or wcw in the 90s.

What about Brock Lesner? He went from pro wrestling to UFC as well and if i'm not mistaken he won some sort of a championship as well.
Lesnar only got that title shot because of his name honestly. Then when he got beat, he was pretty well permanently done.
Speaking of Pounded into Dust, which art's better?
What about Brock Lesner? He went from pro wrestling to UFC as well and if i'm not mistaken he won some sort of a championship as well.

Lesnar was an accomplished amateur wrestler before signing with the wwe. Brock Lesnar is also a freak of nature (and steroids) with a a physique like a wargod and athletic skills and talent to match.
If book named Pan Lodowego Ogrodu (probably The Lord of the Ice Garden) ever gets translated into english fuckin read it, it's amazing, one of the best series i ever read in my life.
Blood for the jesus raping win! :kickass:

the left dude he probably just wrecks and devours, that's primitive and clear. The right one - you never know what in the fuck does he want, it's so much darker :mad: It also has a nice post-apoc atmosphere, I like it better.
Me and Hox talked, and we realized that we were in Paris in the same time, and then i said i saw someone that looked like him in front of Notre Dame, and it turned out it was really him. I wanted to say hi, and ask if he is Hox, but didnt, cause i wasnt sure and didnt want to embarrass myself.
World is so small.
Me and Hox talked, and we realized that we were in Paris in the same time, and then i said i saw someone that looked like him in front of Notre Dame, and it turned out it was really him. I wanted to say hi, and ask if he is Hox, but didnt, cause i wasnt sure and didnt want to embarrass myself.
World is so small.

Damn, what a wasted opportunity! If I ever see Leonardo Dicaprio I completely intend to ask if he is Stefan and then ask him to smiley face.
^Didn't you also see someone else from this forum another time? And also didn't say hello?

I'm fairly certain you hate everyone on here :lol:

Yep, Scavneck aka Marko. I was 100% sure its was him, cause it was a bus that goes to his college :lol:

But i dont hate anyone here, i lurb you guys :(

I didn't like The Wire as much as I thought I would. It is one of the most well written shows out there but it somehow never quite peaked and one viewing is all I think I need. It is a good show still