stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Ive got a question to more experienced bloodfuckers. Where is usually your bass and solos sitting in mix? Are you doubling solo and bass tracks? Currently im having 1 bass track panned 50:50 and solos double tracked panned 100:0 0:100, dunno if im doing it wrong.
Ive got a question to more experienced bloodfuckers. Where is usually your bass and solos sitting in mix? Are you doubling solo and bass tracks? Currently im having 1 bass track panned 50:50 and solos double tracked panned 100:0 0:100, dunno if im doing it wrong.

don't double the bass, much harder to settle in the mix. Put it one in the center and compress and eq. If the result is not good that way, you suck at life and kill youself