stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

I guess im gonna expand my butthurt.

I've spent a month upgrading an app so people with older phones could keep using it. It was the worst thing I did in my career so far, the tool is relatively new and underwent huge changes before it was last upgraded, so it was basically reviving an old lady that jumped out of 10 storey building while being on fire and then got run over by a truck.

1 day after publishing it our helpdesk receives a problem report labeled as highest priority problem reserved for bugs that are losing people money because they cant work. I almost got a heart attack

TL:DR I shrinked one input by FOUR FUCKING PIXELS and this retard complains that he cant click it now.

As soon as i win lottery im going to live in the woods away from technology ridden with morons
lmao. i can only imagine how frustrating working with tech is given the levels of stupidity in people

i feel you though, i have a twisted spine that gives me constant neck and back pain. gotta take care of yourself. the biggest help for me has been physiotherepy
Might actually need to do that. Thought exercising might help but:

1. Dumbbell workouts hurts, because my back hurts, can't train the back because it hurts, check mate
2. So I started running. Ruined my knee, now it hurts when i go up the stairs

Im falling apart lmao. My only option left is swimming but I hate the pools, too many people and the smell of chlorine, yuck.
Today I talked to my pillow

I knew it would happen, but I hoped I would last longer. Then again mental ilnesses are super powers, I can get offended by minor shit and capitalise on it.
Might actually need to do that. Thought exercising might help but:

1. Dumbbell workouts hurts, because my back hurts, can't train the back because it hurts, check mate
2. So I started running. Ruined my knee, now it hurts when i go up the stairs

Im falling apart lmao. My only option left is swimming but I hate the pools, too many people and the smell of chlorine, yuck.

Athlean-X on Youtube is your bodys friend.
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Athlean-X on Youtube is your bodys friend.

Hah, actually I did some workouts of his and one exercise fucked my back for quite some time.

It's my fault though probably, had back problems for a while, thought this would help, it didnt.

But other than that, from what ive seen dude offers pretty solid advice, shame I always found dumbbell workouts boring and never did them for longer than 30-40 minutes. And Im too lazy to go to the gym to exercise on good eq.

Anyway, I weighed 115kg once, then lost up to 82kgs, then I started working seriously, was contasntly tired and was back on 105 for a year.
I'd love to go back to running, but i need to lose some weight before that because of the knee, so im at 102 now and when im 95 it's time to hit the road again.

If I fail this time i just need to accept my age, shitty metabolism and being lazy.

#edit Wow my english is getting worse and worse but im too lazy to fix it <3
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Ive achieved japanese proficiency allowing me to browse japanese auction sites.

And my wallet wished it never happened. Just ordered 21 soundtracks and 17 cds of regular music. Stuff that was crazy expensive on the west is cheap there (well, it's still kinda expensive for a dirty polack like me, but cheap in western standards)

There it if, my full sized 160cm x 50cm body pillow. I have ascended.
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