Steinberg at NAMM..

I came. I saw. I came.

Can't wait for this. I will definitely be upgrading. That vocal pitch correction is such a cool addition.

For sure I will upgrade from Cubase Studio 4 to the full Cubase 5. Pitch correction on board will be nice, it's a feature I missed switching from DP, and convolution built into Cubase 5 also means built-in Recabinet support. :)

Awesome news!
So we'll hear and read more about this tomorrow right?

Can't wait to see a release date and these features explained.
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And to think i was about to buy cubase 4.. even though this might be all buggy and in beta phase once released, im really liking what i hear, read and what i see so far!

Is there a release date?

1:Go to
2:Seach for you know what.
4:profit :lol:
It looks like the new built in pitch correction is pretty cool. I like the way it is implemented as opposed to Pro Tools 8. The Beat Designer thing looks kind of confusing to me though. Is it supposed to be like beat detective? It really just looks like a drum editor window type thing.
Alright I was jacked about Cubase Studio 4 at first but Jesus Fucking Christ my old pirated version of Cubase SX3 never, EVER crashed... and I guess Studio 4 never crashes either, provided it starts up in the first place. 30% of the time it will crash loading a song, 20% of the times it works, there will inexplicably be no audio, and 50% of the time quitting it will crash. I've even managed to hard lock my system once, and I can't even remember the last time that happened to me. That's what I get, I guess, for the guilt getting to me.. shelled out $400 to support a company that ships a product and two years later, still hasn't made it stable.

No chance I'm picking up Cubase 5! None at all.