Steinberg at NAMM..

Yeah I haven't used the manual once for any version of Cubase that I've used. Loving Studio 4 right now, will definitely spend the money to upgrade to full 5. Despite Steinberg's horrible customer service/updates/etc. I still really love their DAW host and will continue to support them. As far as the shortcuts, etc....I don't like shortcuts being determined by the developer for me, sometimes their shortcuts aren't comfortable for me to use so I actually prefer to make all of my own. Bouncing, batch exporting individual tracks with the press of three keys at once - so easy. Set my markers and press Apple+Ctrl+B and I can walk away for a few minutes. The way I have it set up I can edit drums very quickly and easily. I honestly have never felt like Cubase was missing anything - for me.

Man i really wanted to love this....but i just couldn't get into it....i dunno

I dunno dude, it took a little while just to get used to how the program works, but honestly, the ONLY thing I miss about Cubase at this point is the MIDI - I can now fly with recording, editing, and mixing in Reaper, and I figured damn near all of it out myself! It started as a "well, I wanna go legit, and for 50 fucking dollars there's no better way for someone in my position to do so" circumstance, but now I genuinely do love the program!
can you reccomend some?

about the Cubase tutorials...sorry, I don't know of any, but that's why I like Cubase..I never needed them, nor the manual. (attn.:personal preference!)

Sure. The VTC ProTools LE 6 and 7 series are ace. They're a little old now, version-wise, but they taught me just about all I needed to know.

Shame about the Cubase ones. Maybe I'll play around inside it and see whether I can coax something I like out of it.
Sure. The VTC ProTools LE 6 and 7 series are ace. They're a little old now, version-wise, but they taught me just about all I needed to know.

Shame about the Cubase ones. Maybe I'll play around inside it and see whether I can coax something I like out of it.

if I had the time I'd videocapture a drumediting session or so. doesn't I'll be able to do that in the enar future though.

but yeah, I love the above mentioned way of creating custom-shortcuts, I'm working with keycommands only, that's why I often can't even tell people how to do something cause I'm just using the key and have forgotten how to do it w/o the keycommand ;)

Check out some of the features, and a video of C5 studio.. 25 minutes long mind you, 25 minutes of fapping that is, because the dynamics between those guys who are talking is just amazing.

Just done watching, looks great!

Channel batch export (seen in that vid) looks like a nice fast way to transfer among different DAW platforms (which is important for me tracking on PT systems and mixing on cubase/nuendo at home).

I think I'm going to get this when it's released.
^ Yes I was just going to say the same thing. So much wasted time going on about beat creation, blah blah, then finally gets to the good stuff at the end, haha. Though the pitch correction technology does seem nifty too.
Well I guess there is a grace period for upgrades.. I still have to pay a bit of money, but not much the guy says, and I'll know exactly how much in the next couple days. Hopefully since Cubase 5 is built more from the ground up for Vista and 64 bits, it'll run better.