Slate Drums 3.0 at Namm 09

Sadly, after 10 min tweaking the SSD Kontakt Player in Reaper it freeze the whole program :(
After 3 restarts of the host it freezes the Reaper every time.

Have you used any other Kplayer instruments in Reaper? Its so damn crazy here now but I have reaper and I want to test it more. Its a great DAW. I will make sure that if there are known repeateable bugs, they WILL get fixed.
Kazrog I appreciate your support and can't wait to hear some new stuff done with your unique hybridge drum system.

Thanks! Actually I've changed my mind. I'm working on a new Multi-instrument in Kontakt Player that is 100% Slate 3.0 and I am digging the cymbals perhaps even more than the venerable DFH 1.0 cymbals (!!), just had to EQ them a bit (duh.)

If I can keep my drums in one software package, it will make my life easier and facilitate faster programming. The more I tweak the kits, the more I am digging these cymbals. Sorry for the rush judgment and thanks again! :kickass:

Would you be able to send me the midi notes that correspond to the drum hits? Page 15 of my manual is a bit fubared with text over the actual hits so it's a bit hard to see! Or is there a link that I can view these at?

Also, I installed the player and libraries on one drive. I haven't been experiencing problems so far. Is this ok?



P.S.: I have it running nicely in the Logic 8 hyper editor. SOOOOO convenient.

Then when it asks about the library, choose another hard drive, a fast one. DO NOT choose your OS drive, as its known to cause problems.

Just received my update today, but have yet to install it. Will be an external USB 2/7200U drive be fast enough to handle the library? I am on an Imac so adding another harddrive is not possible.
i never have luck with USB 2.0 drives... they always studder my CPU when reading sessions etc... try it out, if its no good, copy the folder to an eSata drive..

I've had MAJOR good luck with the eSata stuff with virtual instruments.

Sorry for fucking up page 15 of the manual, I'll post the fixed version at my forum.. out of all pages to get messed up, that was certainly an unfortunate one!
Thanks Steven! I guess I should reinstall the library on an external firewire drive...

It seemed to have been running fine so far on my internal hard drive...?? It hiccups a bit when clicking channel strips within Logic, but penciling in hits in hyper editor has been smooth.

Hey guys, quick question.....When installing the SSD use that CD only right? The samples for kontakt are on that disk and not the wave/drumagog disk right?

Still trying to get mine to work.
Hey guys, quick question.....When installing the SSD use that CD only right? The samples for kontakt are on that disk and not the wave/drumagog disk right?

Still trying to get mine to work.

Wondering about this as well...

I used both!

Maybe I should reinstall everything.

Yup, everything it needs is just on that disc.

Man...I'm an idiot and might be overcomplicating things, but are the Wav/GOG discs purely for use without the SSD player?

Meaning, will all of my sounds be included on the first disc?

Sorry for being such a know nothing lol.

Man...I'm an idiot and might be overcomplicating things, but are the Wav/GOG discs purely for use without the SSD player?

Meaning, will all of my sounds be included on the first disc?

Sorry for being such a know nothing lol.


Haha quite alright, yeah WAV/GOG's are purely seperate, its those NKM or whatever files that the SSD player uses. Don't even think you would need those last 2 discs if you never used Drumagog or had use for the WAV's! :)
Haha quite alright, yeah WAV/GOG's are purely seperate, its those NKM or whatever files that the SSD player uses. Don't even think you would need those last 2 discs if you never used Drumagog or had use for the WAV's! :)


I guess I'll go ahead and delete those.


Thanks! Actually I've changed my mind. I'm working on a new Multi-instrument in Kontakt Player that is 100% Slate 3.0 and I am digging the cymbals perhaps even more than the venerable DFH 1.0 cymbals (!!), just had to EQ them a bit (duh.)

If I can keep my drums in one software package, it will make my life easier and facilitate faster programming. The more I tweak the kits, the more I am digging these cymbals. Sorry for the rush judgment and thanks again! :kickass:

Any info on how you're EQing them now that you're liking them better? I also have always thought the slate chinas sounded weird and just not exactly right for heavier music.... hi hats a little too, but not as bad compared to the chinas. I understand exactly what you meant though... so, how are you getting them more to your liking?
If you engauge the "overhead on" button the chinas sound totally different, goes from having that "gong" sound to a open, smooth sounding china. Try it :)