Steinberg at NAMM..

I don't know what to think about Cubase anymore. Steinberg have yet to put in even the elementary editing features I've come to know from ProTools. Really the only reason I use it is because it doesn't lock me into an interface of its choosing, supports VST and.... oh yeah, has decent ADC. The moment Digidesign start implementing all 3, I'm switching without a second thought.

Still open minded toward Cubase 5, but aside from a Beat Detective clone (which is being disputed as even that) there's really nothing highlighted that really impresses me. Convolution verbs are available externally, there's no issue. SIR 2 is ace, as is Altiverb 6. There are no 3rd party Beat Detective solutions - we need it INSIDE cubase. We still can't print audio to tracks, or route tracks into each other. We need a totally reworked UI. There's nothing as infuriating as surfing through multiple screens and sub-menus when you're trying to work efficiently.

Steinberg seem to gear the software at home composers and project studio owners rather than professional engineers. Have they conceded that tier to Digi? Are they even going to bother?
As much as i jest, i really like Cubum and really enjoyed using 4 at Lasse's when i had to arrange 90 tracks of midi! But at the same time, the interface does get a wee bit on my tits...
Playlists, easy transport around the edit window, smart tool, region list on the side, consolidation, mass exporting individual tracks, convenient track groups etc.

hm, my cubase has got most of that...not the playlist I think, but I'm not using that anyway, cause cubase can do the "stacked lanes" thingy which makes editing and comping different takes a piece of cake.

grouping of tracks works the same as in PT, regionlist is called "pool" in Cubase, you have to open it thoughm consolidation works pretty much the same as in PT (you might wanna add a keycommand for that though), also I'm exporting individual tracks all the time as well as moving/transporting them wherever I want within the edit window.

I'm NOT!! saying Cubase is better or anything, but the features you're mentioning are there and working pretty much exactly as in PT.

but, this "stacked lanes" thing is the one feature I haven't found in PT yet, would great if someone could help me finding it, cause I don't wanna comp tracks w/o it.
After having gone through numerous Cubase tutorials I have to say that none of those features were ever explored. Yeah the pool was, and standard things like that, but I've yet to find the consolidation feature, or the ability to export multiple tracks at once. Do you mean 'bounce' by chance, as it's not the same as consolidation? One thing is that Cubase seems to want the user to assign key commands to everything, rather than having a pre-defined map already. So many core features are unmapped to the keyboard. As far as I know, there is nothing like the smart tool in Cubase.

Is there anywhere I can read up on how to access these features in Cubase? Because if anything, they're not immediately noticeable and in front of you as they are in PT. At worst, they're badly implemented, or not implemented at all (BD etc).
everything you're looking for can be done by right-clicking on the file.

highlight files you wanna consolidate, right click (i hope this is correct now, cause I'm using the shortcuts only)...>audio>bounce selection as file (or similar, my cub is in german, so it might be something different, but I'm sure you'll find it).

another great feature:
whenever you did something (like the above mentioned) and then go to "keycommands" the last action is automatically selected, so you just hit the key you wanna assign it to and click confirm...key-command set.

but still, I really wanna know how to do the stacked lanes thing in PT, been looking for it for ages, couldn't find it. anyone?
Ermin, you are one of the most knowledgeable people here, and I respect both your work and your opinion, but I am going to have to take you to task slightly on these points, because you can't expect DAWs to work exactly the same as each other. In fact, I find the equivalent features in Cubase are actually faster and more powerful than Pro Tools, you just have to get into a different headspace about your workflow. Also, many of the features you mention here are identical in both apps!

Here goes:


Lanes are the same idea - except you can see all of them at once and do some very powerful editing by incorporating parts of different takes on the fly by dragging audio edges.

easy transport around the edit window

Not sure I know exactly what you mean, but like every other DAW, Cubase has numeric keypad assignments for all the transport controls, so you can devote the mouse to editing and the keyboard to transport controls.

smart tool

Cubase's default pointer tool behaves in the same exact manner as the Pro Tools smart tool. It's literally identical functionality.

region list on the side

Perhaps I would need it if I didn't have Lanes. Only time I ever visit the pool is to import new audio from a client upload, or to clean up the session data.


Bounce selection = same thing.

mass exporting individual tracks

I typically just bounce (aka consolidate) all my tracks and copy them to another folder or zip/rar file.

convenient track groups

If you mean grouping on the fly, that's also very easy to do by mass-selecting tracks and holding the alt/option key when you change the output group to your new group for one of the selected tracks. Again, the same workflow as Pro Tools, almost exactly.
I think PT wins in terms of editing. The crossfades can be placed where ever you like without having to worry about overlapping regions. Track grouping has also more options. Compiling takes using lanes in Cubase is pretty cool but OMG I hate crossfading with it. I think PT8 now has "lanes"?

I don't like mixing in PT, but it might be because I'm used to using Cubase and I don't have the HD version of PT.

Anyway, I'm currently using Pro Tools only for drum editing.
The crossfades can be placed where ever you like without having to worry about overlapping

same in cubase

Track grouping has also more options. Compiling takes using lanes in Cubase is pretty cool but OMG I hate crossfading with it. I think PT8 now has "lanes"?

why? just hit "x", where's the problem?

but good to hear that PT has lanes, cause I won't get PT HD before that happens (it's the main reason I'm editing in Cubase not PT (got 7.4)..."lanes" makes it much faster and easier IMO
Sonar has had nearly all of these new Cubum features for years yet gets no recognition...

I've given Sonar a shot every once in a while (v4.x, v6.x and v7.x), but I always get stuck with the interface of it. Everything seems to work exactly the opposite of how I would do it/how I would like to have it. That has always put me off of it. I guess all the other DAWs I've used a bit more (ACID, Kristal, Nuendo, Cubase and Reaper) have been sort of similar in interface and workflow, that it's a bit difficult to get used to a completely different method.
I've given Sonar a shot every once in a while (v4.x, v6.x and v7.x), but I always get stuck with the interface of it. Everything seems to work exactly the opposite of how I would do it/how I would like to have it. That has always put me off of it. I guess all the other DAWs I've used a bit more (ACID, Kristal, Nuendo, Cubase and Reaper) have been sort of similar in interface and workflow, that it's a bit difficult to get used to a completely different method.

Sonar is backwards as fuck when you firrst start using it but since learning the interface i wouldn't have it any other way! :lol:

I navigate round it with key shortcuts and get whatever i need done quicky...

It has excellent convolution reverb/Linear phase EQ/Multi band comp/EXCELLENT standard built in plugs.

Great "Beat detective clone".

Fantastic Pitch editor like melodyne... also now does pitch-midi.

Decent midi capabilities (Never failed me yet!)


Native 64bit

All this and more for half the price of cubum! :lol:

I'll learn a wierd interface if i can save over £150 :lol:!
@Shane: Are there any tutorial documents or videos that run through all that functionality in depth? I've run through a few great PT ones that taught me all I needed to know, but all the Cubase/Nuendo ones have been pure trash.

Though I have to say I disagree that Bounce selection is the same thing as Consolidate audio in PT. With bounce you need to add some empty audio at the start of your selection for it to create files with same starting points. And afterward you have to screw with copying the session over to get all your consolidated files in one folder without the junk. In PT you just select all the regions, go to regions menu, right click and export them all individually in record time.

Also, are there any predefined shortcuts in Cubase for inserting tracks, or importing files, ala PT? Stuff like Ctrl + Shift + N and Ctrl + Shift + I, or do they all have to be bound manually by the user?

By track groups I actually meant edit groups. Forgot that was the right terminology. I don't mean bussing tracks, but actually grouping them together and being able to switch between groups on the fly (convenient drum editing and such).

Alllso... for my newb question of the day... can't believe I've been using the software for about 5 years and don't know but... is there any way to get the tracks to behave like PT, in that audio cannot overlap, so that you don't have to mess around to do fades on the fly?
predefined shortcuts in Cubase for inserting tracks: double click on the track view and new track is open
Though I have to say I disagree that Bounce selection is the same thing as Consolidate audio in PT: Select the desired space with the selection tool and then the bounced files will change theirs length to the selection.
If you have lots of small overlapping regions (like in drum editing) it can get very confusing with crossfades. Have you ever edited drums in PT? I have used Cubase for years and I just absolutely hate doing any large scale editing with it.

yeah, but I always missed the "lanes" feature in PT.
never had problems with crossfades in Cubase, tbh I don't even really understand what you mean.