Steve Wilson Remix Contest - stems

Awesome! Great song, can't wait for the album! Everything Steven has done has been amazing.

I'll throw down with a remix for sure. Definitely more inspired to remix something by him than Trent Reznor, etc.
The album is fantastic and this song is one of the better tunes on the album imo. The Pat Mastelotto mix of this tune is pretty wild.

I can't wait to get my copy of this album in the mail. I'm especially stoked for the surround mix.

Thanks! Your mix is awesome too. Interesting we both opted to make some doom metal out of what was originally kind of a trippy, Portishead-inspired song.

And yes, I used a few bars of a Bonham outtake in mine. I can't place the song this beat may have come from - in fact I spent long enough searching through all of "In Through The Out Door" and other Zeppelin releases from around that time, and I don't think they ever used this beat. Given that, and given the context of Internet remix contests, I figured it was fair game and that I won't be getting any "cease and desist" notices.

I had to slow it down considerably, and the fact that it sliced as well as it did is a testament to how incredibly in-time Bonham was. All his hits line up perfectly like a machine.
Haha yeah, those behmoth guitars just screamed out to be embraced!! Im curious to what he used to obtain such a thick sustain with those chords. Ive never re-mixed anything before so its my first shot at doing so.

Can't wait to hear more!