Steven Slate Drums 4.0

If you own EX, I would strongly recommend redownloading the entire library when you get a chance for guaranteed stability.

Matt, we've got a really fat groove library coming, but I'm gonna PM you after holiday to talk about incorporating other grooves into the player. It seems that you'd just have to copy the folder architecture and it should work. But maybe we can figure something else out that's easier!

Thanks for the reply Steven. I'm a Platinum user, so I should be ok?


Steven, above is a screenshot showing the work I had to do to a single groove library just to get the grooves to show up in SSD4. I had to put extensions on the folders! (PLEASE NOTE THE EXTENSIONS ARE DIFFERENT PER COLLUMN!!!) Which I've never done before. Bizarre. It appears that the grooves currently have to be set up in a three folder structure and each folder grouping HAS to be named with the corresponding extension. If they aren't, they will not show up in the browser. Obviously, you can see the issues users will have trying to migrate other libraries into SSD4 that may not have the same folder structre your sampler requires. Hope the above is helpful. I'm happy to help anyway I can.

Thanks again!
Doesn't look like it works for SSD, only for Slate Digital Products (FGX/VCC/Trigger) Not much use when you already have all 3 of them.
I guess it'll do for the upgrade that will be coming to Trigger soon no doubt.

damn, this is very plausible. i just wonder when the next slate digital product
is coming, i hate having coupons i can't redeem, it's like having a girl who doesn't let u fuck her :yell:
In Logic 9, OS X 10.6.8, I'm getting a lot of crashes (EDIT: these crashes may not always be SSD related), and I can't seem to open the program window more than once. I keep clicking on it to open it and nothing happens, only restarting logic 9 will give me access to the program window again.
As for grooves, I've got all my grooves working fairly well through EZPlayer Pro. I'm using the GM map since there is currently no map for SSD4. On certain grooves, I have some missing cymbals here and there, but this is a much easier alternative than re-naming all the folders for all my grooves.

Still looking forward to that fat groove library.
Groove Library, 64bit, New GM and more MIDI MAPS, all coming very soon!

So far, we've seen the crash stuff get fixed when you ensure that the library was properly unarchived. If you have any error during unarchive, check to make sure all RAR files are of proper size (the first 8 are the same size and the last 9 is smaller).

However, you could be finding something that we'd like to see, so send a support ticket. 64bit versions will probably work smoother in Logic due to memory usage.

I'd love to hear what the Platinum guys think of all those new kits!!

It should be a given this plugin is built with drum layering in mind.

Some drum plugins make it pretty easy, some make it a tedious process of multiple menus and some won't even allow it! In Slate4 , I drag a new snare in and it's already mapped. Repeat. I love it.

If I want a second snare or a 5th tom or whatever , THEN I go to the mapping page and remap and that's an easy process of drag&drop.
Yes! Nothing compliments a snare more than.. another snare to blend it with! Happy Holidays folks and happy drumming.

Guys who had corrupt licenses or libraries.. when you get it working.. trash your prefs!

Steven, do you plan any EX>Platinum upgrade plans for SSD4? I am too broke right now to get Platinum, but really want to get at least EX but it will only be worth to me if there any upgrade plans soon.