Steven Slate Drums 4.0

i own superior 2 so i would qualify for the crossgrade thing, this means i could get SSD4 for 149$ instead of 299$, is that right so far!?
i also got a 50$ coupon from steven some time ago because i own FG-X, TRIGGER and VCC, so at the end i could get SSD4 for 99$!!! :D

this maybe a stupid question but unfortunately i never did a crossgrade, so i am not sure how it works.
do i have to trade in superior drummer 2 or something like that!?


I own SSD 3.5 EX, FG-X, TRIGGER and VCC + I was a beta tester, but I didn't get that email?
We'll be sending a note out to beta testers this week.. sorry about a few gaps here folks, we're trying to figure it all out. It was important to get this out before the holiday.

Retailers will have boxed crossgrade versions in January.

yeah, i got a mail about this!
maybe it landed in your guys spam folder, or you just didn't realize it was an "extra e-mail" so it got deeleted being unread.
i do not have the mail anymore but i have the code stored, so i didn't just dream about this :D

any info on the crossgrade thing? i'm really not sure how this is supposed to work...

i also do not know where to type in the coupon code i got, steven!? :)
Hey Mr. Slate, can you tell me something about the copyright protection? Is it like the 3.5 Version or iLok 1 / 2 ? Easy to install on a second PC (Laptop) ? Really looking forward to test the 4.0, had to many problems with Kontakt Registration process...
ah btw liked the singing part in your promotionvideo, reminds me of Seth MacFarlane :D
i own superior 2 so i would qualify for the crossgrade thing, this means i could get SSD4 for 149$ instead of 299$, is that right so far!?
i also got a 50$ coupon from steven some time ago because i own FG-X, TRIGGER and VCC, so at the end i could get SSD4 for 99$!!! :D

this maybe a stupid question but unfortunately i never did a crossgrade, so i am not sure how it works.
do i have to trade in superior drummer 2 or something like that!?


Doesn't look like it works for SSD, only for Slate Digital Products (FGX/VCC/Trigger) Not much use when you already have all 3 of them.
I guess it'll do for the upgrade that will be coming to Trigger soon no doubt.
Bought, downloaded, installed last night, all working perfectly! Instrument is very easy to use and some nice functionality. New Deluxe kits sound great! Really nice, raw recorded drums you can shape however you want. Clips coming
Downthemall! is a donationware firefox add-on. I used it for the whole library last night.

I've had luck using another firefox add-on, Fast Video Download, for youtube and other streaming media.
thanks guys! I downloaded the first 1gb archive with the built-in firefox download manager! now I gotta try your suggestions
Not that I don't trust firefox built in "download manager", but I think a software or addon is really a better solution!
I can't really remember the name of an old dlm that was worth it when I downaloaded SSD ex in the past
Hey Steven, contacted support a few hours ago about the wrong code being sent, don't know if it's a known problem or not?

Applied for a platinum upgrade code and only received an EX code and now can't apply for any more!

I have the exact same problem !

Also the coupon I got would only shave of $9 off EX... Needless to say I didn't go for it.
Hi guys, right now the only discounts for SSD4 are if you own SSD 3.x or a competing product. Its possible after the new year, we'll offer coupons to TRIGGER users. Its just too difficult right now to implement since we're understaffed for the holiday. I'm trying to be as fair as possible to everyone, but its not easy!

If anyone has had license problems, please email with your name and whether you have EX or Plat.

License problems should be in the past, check your emails. So.. anyone use the new kits?
SSD4.0 user here having no problems with the licence or getting up and going what so ever. Steven, if my licence is working fine, there should be no need to have to re-download a new licence ahould there? Not sure if you're making changes that will effect users that aren't experiencing any problems.

Steven, the new sampling engine, interface and delux kits are a breath of fresh air and we are loving the sounds. Amazing work as usual. You've really outdone yourself with the points that matter with this product.

On the other hand as I'm sure you already know and have touched upon this since SSD4 is not in a totally completed phase at the moment, your grooves implementation and grooves in general are lacking big time. It's very difficult getting older grooves and grooves from other products to be seen in SSD4. I've never had to put enxtensions on folders to get them to be seen before, and I have a HUGE grooves library I want to begin using within your product. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make it easier to bring other grooves into SSD4 or let us know an easier method than what I'm currently having to do now. And don't leave us hangin with the poor grooves that come with SSD4! UGH!

Thank you and Merry Christmas!
I've had about 5 crashes with SSD4 in Pro Tools 9.0.6 in OSX 10.6.8. It's always when I try and load a new kit. The drum sounds are great though. I'm looking forward to the Trigger packs. The kits sound good.
If you own EX, I would strongly recommend redownloading the entire library when you get a chance for guaranteed stability.

Matt, we've got a really fat groove library coming, but I'm gonna PM you after holiday to talk about incorporating other grooves into the player. It seems that you'd just have to copy the folder architecture and it should work. But maybe we can figure something else out that's easier!