Steven Slate Drums 4.0

Tomorrow apparently. Anyone excited?

I wonder when the new Trigger packs will be available ad if they've coincide it with the release of SSD4? I'm more interested in that.
Lol you guys need to learn how to read :lol:

If you own SSD 3.x Platinum or EX, or own a competing drum instrument (see crossgrade page for specific titles that qualify) you can get SSD4 for HALF OFF for a limited time!!
Visit our upgrade crossgrade page HERE

Upgrade/Crossgrade Pricing:

Platinum 3.x to Platinum 4.0: $149 discount
EX 3.x to EX 4.0: $49 discount
EX 3.x to Platinum 4.0: from $49 to $149 discount (depending on number of expansion packs)
Competing Drum Software to Platinum: $149 discount

All Competing Product discount codes will expire February 1st, 2012

All Upgrade discounts will expire February 28th, 2012
HEY MR SLATE: looks nice, but I have some questions:
1. you can add own wave files. cool. multisamples possible?
2. are those samples coming in wave files too (to use them with 3rd party programms). I know it's unlikely, but still ;)
3. is there a crossgrade from 3.x platinum to ex 4.0?
4. could you list all ex kits vs. platinum? I assume you didn't put all the rock kits and metal kits into ex and rather left other genres out of the package? :P
anyone know if you can use the 3.0 expansion packs on this since it's not kontakt player anymore?

thanks guys!
Hi guys. Forgot to mention this in the blast email, but LE guys are in the system as EX so you can get half off of EX or $49 off of Platinum. Thanks,
Hi guys. Forgot to mention this in the blast email, but LE guys are in the system as EX so you can get half off of EX or $49 off of Platinum. Thanks,
Hi Steven,
thanks for the cool crossgrade offers. I just realized that crossgrading from Superior Drummer 2.0 is actually cheaper than from EX + my 2 expansions, so I sent the proof of purchase. Thing is, the actual receipts are in German and from different stores with different email adresses etc, so I sent you a screenshot of my Toontrack customer account (with my email adress and the serial numbers for both EZ Drummer and SD 2.0 visible) through the crossgrade webform. Does that suffice? I don't want to order before I get an "OK". Your automatic answer said you will contact me if something's wrong with the proof but will I also get a mail as soon as it is accepted?
I bought Platinum as an upgrade to LE when 3.5 came out, and when I try to enter my email for a Platinum upgrade it says "That email does not exist in our database or has already been used for a coupon", neither of which are true. Am I assed out of a Platinum crossgrade because I wasn't Platinum from the very beginning?
Boom! Got the Platinum with the awesome discount. Thanks Steven
Cant wait to give my shitty HD-1 some punishment :Smokedev: