Steven Slate Drums 4.0

I'm gonna post some new mp3 demos of a few kits and some new screenshots and if everyone here doesn't shit their pants after hearing them, get your rectum's checked.

Slate- Didn't you send out an email a while ago for people to beta test back in august or so?

...And if that clip is completely unprocessed, then this makes me very excited.
SSD4 is in beta. Here are 2 of over 100 presets.. these are in the Roomy Rock category. There are other categories such as Vintage rock, Indie Rock, Laid Back, Metal, Vintage Metal, Jazzy, Funk, Urban, Dance, House, and more.

These are unprocessed kits straight out of the stereo outs of SSD4 with FG-X adding 6db of gain.. The idea with these "deluxe" series kits was to capture drums with excruciating detail and precision with the best gear and mic technique.. so that the drums can be raw.. BUT.. not necessarily require lots of tweaking like many other raw captured drum softwares. While the above kits can be further processed with eq and compression, they also sit nicely in the mix as is.

Will 3.5 owners get a speacial deal?

My purchase of SSD was so jacked up (they did upgrade me for free though...good CS!) But if i needed to reinstall i would have no clue were to being.