still life 5.1 release date: 31st march 2008...

If 2008 is my last year alive, I know it would have been great just because of Opeth's releases.
There seems to be one thing people missunderstand time and time again and record companies cash in on this.
remastered means the origional 2 track (in this case)mixdown from the multitrack recordings is sent to a mastering house or person who should have a well reated accustic room with as accurate monitors as possable. the (re)mastering process usually involves proccessing the recording to make the best overall sound on as many systems as possable in as many rooms as possable, this is usually done by careful multiband compression, selective equalisation of frequencys and often limiting to trim the peaks to a more manageable dynamic range (ie so you can hear the quiet parts easily and the loud parts in relation to each other, it also helps make it radio friendly if say singles are intended) then the tracks are made to comply with the red (or orange) book standard for say cd with spaces between tracks and lead in and lead out passages. the material is then compiled ready for approval and sending to the pressing plant. this process can nowadays bring out un noticed or unheard parts of the mix and increase clarity, it doesnt in any way mean the track has been remixed.
the 5.1 version will have requiterd the orogional multitrack tapes to be probably remixed taking into account the 5.1 placing of the instruments in the mix and and i would expect taking the opportunity to make the recording much better using modern effects and processers. this then when finished will be sent for mastering.
i would have thought that they would have also remixed the tracks for stereo again taking advantage of the new options ab the hindsight of band and fans optinions over the last few years. i think still life could sound really great, although it was ok in its first version and also ther glitches can be corrected.

perhapse the rest of the albums could be remixed at some point as i think all the albums up to bwp could do with a little bit of attention.

remastering is a quick money making fix thats all
Multi-band compression actually comes in to play very little during mastering, usually. Mastering is usually EQ, stereo image, Compression/Limiting etc.

I'm not really sure what you mean by 'the one thing people misunderstand time and time again'.. We know Still Life has been remixed for 5.1. Obviously this surround version would have to have been mastered in 5.1. Seeing as they obviously have far more than the 2-track 'masters' left, we can safely assume that they wouldn't re-release this remixed 5.1 version, yet leave the original cd with all the drop-outs untouched.

So they'll remix the original stereo CD too. Obviously this will have to be mastered, but seeing as it's a new mix, it's not being remastered- it's an entirely new mix and master.

I'll look forward to it, but I'm not really that in to Still Life anyway.. maybe this will change my mind. I hope Jens doesn't mix in samples with the drums, or at least not too obviously anyway...
valid points but as an amature doing his own mastering, most books and tutorials and articals mention the benifit of very gerntly mul;tiband compression as this allows the bass end ie kick drum and lower end of synths and maybe some bass guitars to be processed seperatly from the lower and upper mid range and high frequencys, allowing a more transparent mix, however compression ratios may be as low as 1 to 1.25 or 1 to 1.5 which seem to work for me, but i do get annoyed by record companies splattering remasterd over a product when in realllity i ususally offers only a marginal improvement in sound. but each to his own, some systems are more transparent and others more coloured and less capable. in a car a hevily limited mix can sound better than a more dynamic one due to the limitations of the car enviroment.

just i do wish companies would take advantage of moden tecniques and remix the tracks and copy the older tape to hard drives in order to help back up often unique moments in time.

I think the key here is that, as I understand it, Still Life has also been remixed as opposed to a simple remaster. I may be wrong in this, but that's what I thought Jens was doing...
yes that would i hope be the case, since the 5.1 mix would need a total mix to be done in order to make the most of the facility.

i only have stereo so i hope the cd gets a remix, but i think that the early cds would benifit from a remix too. i liked the megadeth remixes much more than the origionals but i know some people dont.

have a good day ya all
if they've done the job right, you should be able to listen to the dvd in stereo sound and have it sound good. like they check how stereo mixes sound in mono, they check 5.1 mixes in stereo. then they fix any phasing issues etc.
The cover art is wonderful. I don't have a 5.1 surround system, but I'm planning on buying one so I'll definitely be getting this! Hopefully Borgen did a good job of remixing this album and this turns out to be as wonderful an experience as 5.1 Ghost Reveries.

[...] i liked the megadeth remixes much more than the originals[...]
Yeah, me too, actually. With the exception of the re-recorded vocals on Rust in Peace, I think the remixes sound better on the remixes.
I think the key here is that, as I understand it, Still Life has also been remixed as opposed to a simple remaster. I may be wrong in this, but that's what I thought Jens was doing...
Well, technically speaking, you couldn't make a stereo album into a surround one and still call it a re master. Odds are they will have to dive into the original tracks. Also, I'd like to add that multi band compression is of course better for mastering then single band, who cares if its not the typical tool used, it only adds options, theres nothing about it thats worse then using a single band.
Thing that worries me is, how come we've not heard of it through the official website?
I'd LOVE a 5.1 mix for my favourite album but it's still a rumor to me.
Oh, right, I heard a while ago they should mix it but I missed that topic.
Thanks a lot.

Yeah I read the first post but some random URL without an official statement wasn't making me sure. ;)
I don't have Still Life yet, so I'm glad they're putting out a new edition in time for me to get it. I probably won't have much use for the DVD apart from the live video, but its still very cool. Hopefully it'll stay at £8.99 haha, thats a bargain.