still life 5.1 release date: 31st march 2008...

true to the original, I'm not hearing too much difference, but I'm sure once I get it in my hands I'll hear it.
Vocals on Moonlapse sound alot better :headbang:
edit: Probably LQ MP3 stream is hurting the sound as well.
I almost pooped my pants when I heard the moor.

The scream sample in moonlapse vertigo seems waaaay longer, and it sounds like mike changes pitch halfway through.

he wasn't kidding when he says theres stuff he never heard before.

can definitely hear more definition in the music,

esp considering the fact that these are horribly watered down low quality miniclips.
Seems like the cut outs are still there sadly, I wouldn't it think it very challenging to dress them up a bit better, but oh well.
I thought the cut outs werent until a little bit after. The clip ends before it gets to it.
I thought the cut outs werent until a little bit after. The clip ends before it gets to it.
Unless I'm going crazy, I can hear one in the final moments of The Moor clip. I wasn't looking for it, I had forgotten about them until I heard the clip, so I wouldn't think placebo is at play. Regardless, no big deal, the new mix sounds alright, the highs have been hyped extremly, a bit much for my taste, but the reverb isn't as heavy, so its an improvement imho.

:Edit: Of course I want to hear this in its full resolution to make any concrete observations, who the hell cares what I think anyway. :p
Does anyone know: Will this release be the same like the new Bloodbath mini CD, in that it will only be released via Peaceville's mailorder? Or will this find its way to normal shops?
I thought the cut outs werent until a little bit after. The clip ends before it gets to it.

They're definitely there. Not too long before the end of the clip you can hear it come in and out.

Dissapointed that that was the best they could do with the drop-out fixing. And this low quality stream is nowhere near high enough to make any judgements on the new mix.
Does anyone know: Will this release be the same like the new Bloodbath mini CD, in that it will only be released via Peaceville's mailorder? Or will this find its way to normal shops?

"Normal shops" sell it too. You should read this thread. But about those dropouts. Wasn't it messed in the first place when mixing. Now this is re-mix so :erk:
Unless I'm going crazy, I can hear one in the final moments of The Moor clip. I wasn't looking for it, I had forgotten about them until I heard the clip, so I wouldn't think placebo is at play. Regardless, no big deal, the new mix sounds alright, the highs have been hyped extremly, a bit much for my taste, but the reverb isn't as heavy, so its an improvement imho.

:Edit: Of course I want to hear this in its full resolution to make any concrete observations, who the hell cares what I think anyway. :p

I think its all in your head.
"Normal shops" sell it too. You should read this thread. But about those dropouts. Wasn't it messed in the first place when mixing. Now this is re-mix so :erk:

It wasn't a mixing error, it was an error with the DAT (digital audio tape). It actually wasn't just a simple volume drop, the freq response changes over that period of time too.

Anyway it's 100% in that clip. Listen with headphones and there's no way you can miss it.
It wasn't a mixing error, it was an error with the DAT (digital audio tape). It actually wasn't just a simple volume drop, the freq response changes over that period of time too.

Anyway it's 100% in that clip. Listen with headphones and there's no way you can miss it.

Anyway, it shouldn't be all that hard to make it sound better then it is, automated corrective EQ to help the frequency change, and simple copy paste to fill in some of the holes. Its not like any studio recording is one take anyway, they are all pasted together, so really, I see no reason not to fix them up a bit.
sounds to me like they remixed from multitrack for the 5.1 mix then just remastered for the stereo mix, which is a cop out. as the multitrack tapes were being used for 5.1 why dint they just redo the stereo mix compltley and if there are dropouts on multitrack then some editing work should have helped make good. as i have said before remasters are a cheap money making cop out.

probably wont bother with this till it hits the bargin sales in ayear or so as i dont have 5.1 and probaby wont for a while.:mad:
If the stereo samples are any indication of what the new surround mix sounds like, I wont be bothering with this, its really not much different; would love for that not to be the case though.
Nooo the dropouts are still there. :cry:
I SO want this without the dropouts, I seriously can't stand them; at least not in headphones, which I use about 99% of the time (that's no exaggeration, either).
u guys are freaking out over streaming mp3 samples. why even listen to something with such terrible quality and begin to judge?
Terrible quality? The stream even sounds better than the original Still Life CD, at least using my headphones...