stirrin' the pot


Messianic Subliminal Mind
May 2, 2001
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Well, after two months of being on the board, there are a lot of new faces. And everyone still seems pretty content to ramble on about which album/song is their favourite, or who is their favourite member. Something that most of us have in common is that we all tend to think that people who enjoy Opeth share a bond, and perhaps slightly higher IQ levels.
Within not so distant memory, there were some pretty heated arguments on the board: religion, drugs etc. I propose we continue to stimulate each other (stop laughing Hoser, it's not a double entendre) and maybe tolerate a little less self appreciation in the form of saying how great we all are. After all, one of the allures of Opeth's music is the lack of repetition. It seems like a logical step forward to eliminate some of the repetition on this board.

I like it when people challange my values and beliefs, and I like to reason against the ideas of others too. There is a world full of problems out there, we don't have to come up with any answers, but it's entertaining even just to see how other people feel. But without a topic to ponder, we cannot focus our energies. Hence I will submit a few topics for discussion, and allow you to rant and rave as you please.

1. Genetic Engineering
2. Presence of US or UN troops in other countries
3. Pornography
4. Abortion
5. Affirmative Action

Let the games begin!
"focus our energies"... you sound like a cross between a New Age preacher of sorts and Blake (if I can't mock the stimulation thing it's gotta be something, you realize...) ANYWAYS! Let's roll...

I'll come back later and tackle the other topics but the ones I must target right now are Affirmative Action and Abortion.

"There's inequaility. To solve this problem, we should discriminate against people based on their race, religion, or gender!" Brilliant strategy. Defeat discrimination by categorizing and dividing the people, and then forcing companies to conform their hiring practices to fill quotas... that'll work. So if (hypothetically) an over-qualified white male and an under-qualified black woman apply for the same job, and the company needs to hire more blacks and more women to fill their various race and gender quotas, they have to, and the more qualified other guy loses out because of his gender and skin color. Thank god this all prevents discrimination! What kind of prejudiced, hypocritical society would we have WITHOUT affirmative action?

As for abortion, most of what I say below is practically copied and pasted from George Carlin, I admit that in advance.

Pro-life? What the fuck are these people talking about "pro-life"? They're Killing doctors! What the hell kind of pro-life is that? They'll do anything to save a fetus but if it grows up to be a doctor they just might have to kill it? What these people are is anti-woman. Let one of these white, male, fundamentalist christian conservative pro-life politicians try carrying around a child for 9 months, squeezing something the size of a watermelon through something the size of an orange, then raising it on minimum wage, changing it's diapers, and going through unwanted parental stress of the job of raising a child for no pay and no pension. Let's see how they feel about abortion then. You don't see a lot of these white, conservative pro-life women volunteering to have black fetuses inserted into their uterises, do ya? You don't see them adopting a lot of crack babies. Nooo ...that's something Christ might do. Aside from that, though... is a fetus a person? This seems to be the central question. Well if a fetus is a person, how come the census doesn't count them? How come when there's a miscarriage you don't have a funeral? How come people say "we have two children and one on the way" instead of saying "we have three children"? Pro-lifers should keep themselves the hell out of other people's lives. It's fitting that the opposite viewpoint is called "pro-choice", because that's the bottom line. You're against abortion? FINE. DON'T HAVE ONE. Leave me and my family the fuck alone.

Incidentally, luke - thanks. Good thread idea... I too had noticed that conversation was slowing down but couldn't think of a way to present a topic to jumpstart it back up again.
Since I just woke up and have no mind or engery, I'm going to be a bastard and tack something on to Hoser's post above...

In hiring practices, the use of quotas is the weakest link. It's the only procedure along the way that can ignore a person's sate of mind and body and put to them a task for which they are underskilled. The classic example is female firefighters. I hear complaints now and then about how there aren't very many. And how there should be more. Well, the day my house/apartment/mudhut starts to burn down, my ONLY concern is that the firefighter who arrives will be capable of saving my life. And if that means carrying me over their shoulder, then, by golly, they better be able to do it! The fact is, the average man is genetically stronger than the average woman (AVERAGE! Physical strength! Brute force! Don't get mad!). And therefore the physically fit and somewhat strong man, will also be stronger than a female in the same condition. The MOMENT anyone, regardless of race or gender or sexual orientation runs up and down those 4 flights of steps carrying 100lbs of hose, and otherwise fulfills the strenuous training required to becomes a firefighter, then they're fantastic in my book. I couldn't do it, and if someone can, then LET THEM BE A FIREFIGHTER. If they can't, DO NOT HIRE THEM BASED ON A QUOTA!

And I'll be the first to say it so I don't get flamed for being a woman-hater or anything.. I would never be able to carry a child for 9 months. Ok? There, I said it. But I also wouldn't be able to carry a 250lb man on my shoulder down a 75 foot ladder...

Again, cohesion, cohesion. Sorry if this makes no sense. ;)
2) hmmm, not too sure about this one-- though I tend to think there is a governing conditional nature to this issue--- for instance, why are troops stationed in the first place: is there sufficient reason for this. In the event that there are repeated cases of soldier misconduct (e.g, the recent rape in Okanawa)
another example might be that that UN troops helped the Khizballa kidnapp israeli soldiers....and now will not let israel have any information (the UN possesses) on their condition.
Hey guys, I've been reading the boards for a while but haven't posted much...until now. I just love these conversations!

On abortion, I'm so for it. My dream is to see the government encourage AND PAY FOR abortions. Just think how many social problems this would solve (assuming that people incapable of properly raising a child would take up the offer -- hmmm). I guess that's the problem though -- the white trash and ghetto all-stars continue to poop out the babies while the upper-class white moms get abortions because they've already reached their two-child utopia.

But you know, I gotta say that I don't like the argument about the hypocrisy of pro-lifers killing abortion doctors, because in their eyes they're sacrificing one life to save many. So theoretically that makes sense.

I also don't like the pro-choice argument that it's about "choice" and "a woman's right to choose" and all those sappy things. In the D.C. area there's a pro-choice commercial on TV about how this country (US) is founded on "rights" and without rights where would we be, etc. Well, we don't have the right to kill people, and to pro-lifers, that's what abortion is. So that argument is weak too.

Bottom line is, it's best for society if you don't have unwanted future-criminals sucking up all the resources. I think the well-being of all the actual people that are alive NOW is more important that some incompetent little organism, whatever it may become in nine months.

By the way, I bet many pro-lifers start the day with a nice big plate of eggs. :lol:

I have comments on affirmative action too but I'll make that a separate post.
OK, me again. :rolleyes: (This post primarily deals with reduced standards for college admission given to blacks.)

So, about affirmative action, I'm against it as it currently works, but the solution seems so obvious to me that I don't understand why it hasn't been implemented already.

The whole argument behind AA is that black people don't have the same access to good schools that will prepare them for life, etc. This basis is so ridiculously flawed: POOR PEOPLE don't have equal access, whatever color they are.

My county has the highest number of wealthy blacks in the country, so I have a very different perspective from most people. At my high school, all the minority scholarships for college went to black kids whose parents make $300,000 a year. This is a ridiculous waste. These kids were obviously already planning to go to college and had even better opportunities than me growing up.

(Same kids, by the way, who lead the Black Student Union and are convinced the campus (university of maryland) is out to get them, even though it was deemed the 3rd best public university for black people, according to some black magazine study. But I digress.)

Only Republicans with the blackest of hearts would oppose giving incentives to poor people. Advocates claim a racially diverse campus enhances education -- apparently they don't notice all the self-segregating that goes on. In truth, an economically diverse campus would achieve their goal much better, because someone's financial background isn't as obvious as their race.

Thanks for indulging me, guys. :loco:
on genetic enineering id have to say anti, the potential for some really nasty things just kinda creep me out.

on UN Troops i agree with most that already posted, depends on the situation.

on Porn anti

on Abortion anti

on AA anti

"How come with us, it's an abortion, and with a chicken, it's an omelette?". I guess the point on abortion I would add is that it basically comes down to an issue of morality, and I think it's safe to say that in that case it's up to the individual to decide upon their morals, not for government to do it for us. I realize that this argument is easily countered because rape and murder could be seen as an issue of morality and it's EXACTLY the job of government to impose those morals. The counter-counter argument is that with rape and murder there is a victim whose basic human rights are being impeded upon, whereas in the case of abortion there is not... except for the counter-counter-counter argument that pro-lifers feel a fetus is a person. So, I guess you're right, Xtokalon, this argument can never be waged on logic - it'll always come down to the "is a fetus a person" opinion. However, as for the general notion of "pro-choice" I feel very strongly about the power of the individual to be left alone to make choices so long as they are prepared to face the consequences of those actions. I feel it's safe to say that the vast majority of people wouldn't have an abortion if they felt deep down that they were killing a conscious individual... they have the abortion because they are not prepared/able to give that child the life it would deserve. They do it to do what they feel is the right thing. I realize this point is completely invalid for the purposes of argument and easily refuted, but that's my opinion.

Lina, I can agree with you that government-subsidized education for low income families would certainly be a better idea than making that determination racially. Then, if those (in most parts of the US apparently black) individuals are able to recieve that higher education they'll be qualified enough to compete for positions on a fair basis without having to be aided by quotas. I realize this is idealistic based on the hope that there aren't any bigots in positions of power to make those decisions, but you can't force people to stop being racist... they're only going to backlash to that. It has to be deemed as socially unacceptable in any group of people, and there are backwards areas of the world where that has not yet become the case. It's unfortunate, but I stand by my point that there cannot be equality without, well, equality. Any attempt to force the proverbial scales back to level only cures the symptoms, not the illness - it remains (and, often causes other "symptoms"). Aren't we tired of simply trying to hide these issues in one way or another, or just force the correction of the end result without looking at the real, underlying issue? We could also just force every employer in the world to give women raises until the average salaries of women equal that of men, but does that get rid of the sexist men who do that only because they are bound to do so by legislation? They'll still never give those women a raise simply because they deserve it, and then, they'll stop doing so for the men because if they did they'd have to for the women as well, and then the wives and daughters of those men aren't helped at all, and the world is essentially dragged down to be bound to the lowest common denominator of the prejudices of the slime in control. (I hope that all made at least some sense...)

As for genetic engineering, I see it as another way for man to oh-so-brilliantly screw around with nature. Humanity is caught in an interesting rut in that we cannot evolve without pushing the boundaries of technology, but with every advance we put ourselves in another postion of being able to in some capacity screw ourselves. I think, reading back, that this is in a more specific and tangible way of saying more or less what Xtokalon was talking about. I guess the bottom line is we're going to do it anyways... so we better make sure we know damn well what we are doing and make sure to be responsible when we screw up and hope it's not too catastophic. There's a cheery outlook for ya...

UN Troops... well, the UN COULD have sat by and let people get slaughtered in Kosovo, or it could not. They COULD have let Saddam Hussien go around invading whatever countries he felt like... or they could not. Basically, I feel the role of the UN is to prevent injustices against human rights and international law without imposing itself unnecessarily. I'm going to go off a bit here and I may make myself unpopular for this... but oh well, might as well stir the pot some more.

Israel. The Jewish people got so screwed throughout history. I really feel for them as a culture because no one has EVER gotten fucked over by everyone else as bad and as long for no good reason. I've read a lot about the history of antisemetism and I could go on a massive tangent with a multitude of examples, but I'll get to my point. The creation of the state of Israel by the United Nations was a massive mistake. What would happen if the U.N. walked into manhattan and said "Yeah... y'know how the natives lived here for thousands of years and you came along and viciously stole their land and killed them all? Well, we're creating a Sioux nation on Manhattan island. All you Americans get out - you're no longer welcome here. Oh, and we're going to supply the Sioux with the best military technology to support their cause." And then, the natives and americans went to war and the natives conquered all of the state of New York.

I know this is a silly example, but that's basically what happened in Palistine and the Palestinians are a little ticked off about it, and you have to respect that - their land (what had been their land for 2000 years, give or take a crusade or two) was taken from them and handed over to someone else. I don't blame the Isralies, though - that one was the U.N.'s mistake, BUT! They tried to make up for years of horrific injustice against the jews by forcing the scales the other direction... and look at that! Someone else innocent is victimized! Just like Affirmative Action, eh? Equal rights, folks, not special rights. Past injustices must remain in the past... they can't be made up for one way or another no matter which side of the issue you stand on. What we can do, though, is work towards true equality.

So, it does depend on the situation. There ARE times U.N. intervention is very necessary to protect the basic human rights of the people of the world, and other times when they're imposing their own guilts and issues upon others.

Next up... Porn. People like porn. People make really good money making porn. So long as it's all over-18 and with full consent, it's completely victimless and harmless. There' supply, there's demand, the economy rolls - all is good. If you're religiously inclined you can be proud to know that it's your sexually stifling ideaologies that create a demand for porn. Without religiously imposed moral ideas the hedonisic result would be a socially acceptable sexual freedom that would make pornography irrelivant. "Prisons are built with bricks of law, brothels with bricks of religion", but that's okay. I like porn - besides, it's the safest sex there is. :)
about abortion: thing is, you can never determine when a person becomes a person... what if sprem is also somewhat of a person? outlaw masterbation???

Israel. The Jewish people got so screwed throughout history. I really feel for them as a culture because no one has EVER gotten fucked over by everyone else as bad and as long for no good reason. I've read a lot about the history of antisemetism and I could go on a massive tangent with a multitude of examples, but I'll get to my point. The creation of the state of Israel by the United Nations was a massive mistake. What would happen if the U.N. walked into manhattan and said "Yeah... y'know how the natives lived here for thousands of years and you came along and viciously stole their land and killed them all? Well, we're creating a Sioux nation on Manhattan island. All you Americans get out - you're no longer welcome here. Oh, and we're going to supply the Sioux with the best military technology to support their cause." And then, the natives and americans went to war and the natives conquered all of the state of New York.

I know this is a silly example, but that's basically what happened in Palistine and the Palestinians are a little ticked off about it, and you have to respect that - their land (what had been their land for 2000 years, give or take a crusade or two) was taken from them and handed over to someone else. I don't blame the Isralies, though - that one was the U.N.'s mistake, BUT! They tried to make up for years of horrific injustice against the jews by forcing the scales the other direction... and look at that! Someone else innocent is victimized! Just like Affirmative Action, eh? Equal rights, folks, not special rights. Past injustices must remain in the past... they can't be made up for one way or another no matter which side of the issue you stand on. What we can do, though, is work towards true equality.
ok, get your facts straight... there were ALWAYS jews living in Israel, ALWAYS. And it's a well known fact that in the few years preceding the creation of Israel there was massive immegration into Israel by both sides, the Jewish and the Palestinian, the Jews were also the ones who developed the country, which previously was just some swamps and rocks.

I'm glad that everybody is so forthright with their opinions. It's neat to see the spectrum of standpoints.
Just a few coments if I may...

On genetic engineering..
for a Darwiniist, evolution is a matter of chance changes within a species that allow a member of a species with a certain mutation to survive better in an evironment than another member of the same species that shares not the same mutation. Thus adaptation is not active (which tends to screw up the arguments of creationists against evolution) but rather through attrition from a large number of specimens able to survive in an environment, to a certain few with minor differences which are able to live in a slightly altered environment.
Seeing as humans have revoved themselves from the mechanisms of evolution by negating attrition of numbers with the use of technology, it could be reasonably feared that humans have stopped evolving.
The inherent problem in genetic engineering (sorry, but I guess I'm really discussing that of humans only) is that naturally progression has been through chance, but now we can (potentially) select which changes we will make to the genome of our species. A lack of foresight means that we can never fully anticipate the reprecussions of modifying our DNA.
I like to look at it in the light of, regardless whether humans annihilate themselves or not, life will continue to exist in one form or another. The real test is if we actually turn out to be intelligent beings or not.

On foreign occupation...
Having not been in the situation myself, it is hard to make a definite statement. Suffice it to say that I am somewhat undecided on this issue.

On Pornography...
I enjoy having this debate with a pointedly feminist friend of mine. She would argue that pornography is generally degrading to women, and that women involved in the making of pornography have no choice, and thus are being taken advantage of. She would liken it to multinational corporations using cheap labour in Asian countries to make enormous profits, in the way that a SE Asian with no other potential income has no option but to work for a company like Nike, regardless of wages or working conditions. (This is another interesting topic for duscussion, and maybe when people tire of this thread, I'll open up the floor for some debate.)
In my opinion, porn made by adult women in developed countries was definitely made with a lot of free will involved. They certainly have more options than the typical Asian labourer. Is porn degrading to women? I thought it was just an act of nature captured on film.

On abortion..
Being human, I too am selfish. I would consider my life, or the life of someone already alive more important than that of a growing mass of tissue. If it came down to it I think I would defintely consider abortion a viable option. Is abortion murder? Maybe jerking off is too...there is potential for life, but it can't survive without certain conditions met. I remember having read somewhere that certain primitive cultures didn't name childer until they were 5 years of age, regarding them as animals, until the time they proved able to survive independently. (Starting to sound a bit extreme here aren't I?)

On affirmative action...
My friend is a heli-attack firefighter for the forest service of British Columbia, Canada. My friend worked his ass off to become a member of an elite firefighting force. When the government made it mandatory for heli-attack to hire women, it was found that most women could not pass the strenuous physical tests required to be on heli-attack crews. So they dropped the standard, making the test easier for both men and women. My friend said he will retire after this year, as he no longer feels to be a member of an elite force, and claims to have a lack of faith in the competence of his crew, should an emergency arise.
Mind you, this is only one example of a negative effect of AA. Probably there have been many positive results.
The true problem for equality lies in individualism. People cllassify themselves by nationality, race, religious denomination, or even which area of town they reside in. These classifications require the recognization of differences between people, which transforms itself into the division between 'Us' and 'Them.' Equal, in a mathmatical sense, means the same, or without differnces. Hence we are unable to be equal until we speak a language with only first person pronouns, and in no way distinguish another from ourselves. Sounds like equality will be a no-go until we achieve shared conciousness.

Cheers for the thoughts, I'd love to hear what some more people think too.
1. Genetic Engineering - if the almighty can't perfect the art of the life it creates, how is it possible that us humans think we can?
2. US or UN abroad - I guess someone has to do it - in most walks of life, the dominant one attempts to keep things in balance whether its right or wrong. Balance is important.
3. Pornography - like someone already said on this post, its safe. But, the argument can be made (like with the argumant that pot leads to worse drugs) that too much pornography can lead people to acts of sexual violence.
4. Abortion - 100% pro-choice. If medically, a point in time like 6-7 months is dangerous, then I believe its OK to prevent it at that time, but not earlier. Plus, why the hell would you wait that long before you decide against the baby?
5. Affirmative Action - obviously we can't escape the past, but in order for equality to work, we should stop reminding ourselves what it was like, so we can move on. There will always be people out there who hate others, or believe only "certain" people are Ok for the job, but I believe the majority of people have better things to worry about, and could care less about race, gender, etc.
1. Genetic Engineering - not much to say about this.... but all i know is theres lots of new diseases and shit spreading every day and if theres a solution in genetic engineering then fucking go for it

2. US or UN abroad - ok.... anybody who is pro-life should be ok with the un and us going into other countries and SAVING LIVES

3. Pornography - porno is like.... its like reading books... whoever makes it gets alot of money..... whoever reads it is given something to do (other then going out and doing cocaine beucase theres nothing better to do) Porn wether or not it seems bad is part of the small percentage of things that arent harming anyone in any way...

4. Abortion - im gonna go on for a while about this... Ok first of all.... the baby has no soul.... the baby has no idea whats going on.... its like a flower... the flower is living... but i can go and just cut any flower i want and it wont give a shit..... so anyway..... heres the scenario... we have a 17 year old girl..... having a baby.... 17 year old boy where the baby came from..... what kind of a life do you think that baby is going to have??? it sure as hell isnt gonna be a good life....... i could go through a shitload of scenarios where the baby would end up going through the shittiest life of poverty and all that bullshit...... now let me ask the question..... Who is more heartless.. The person who gives their baby abortion causing much less trouble for themselves and saving another person from the hardships of life OR the person who saves the baby's life from abortion to satisfy they're opinion on what is right......... life is hard as it is.... why make somebody go through this bullshit under THOSE conditions....... whew

5. Affirmative Action - i really dont know shit about this topic.... but i have plenty to say about racism and all that bullshit............. Why do they call them minorities??? How is this helping make equality..... that was already mentioned though so i wont go on........ i cant stand when people are racist against somebody else becuase of their color........ god i hate it wether it be a white guy or a black guy i want to kill them......but theres this thing that seems to be going around these days........ its like.... the cool thing to make fun of white people...... all i hear is black people making fun of white people.... and WHITE people making fun of themselves...... there is nothing funny about that..... All i hear black comedians talk about is bad shit about white people.......and fuck they can be just joking and not serious..... but all the white teenage kids that act black take it way too seriously and they start making fun of themselves and they think that black people are supreme..... now lets say we have a white guy that made a joke about black people... nobody would laugh... it would be racism..... The white guy who made the joke is still an asshole to me.... but i dont like this shit..... ok im sorry if nobody understood my post i sometimes forget what im gonna say and my ............. can get annoying
1. Genetic Engineering

This really is nothing new. We've been splicing plants and breeding animals for a long long time. It's just a bit faster than before.

2. Presence of US or UN troops in other countries

u.s troops should be u.s troops not wannabe world police. UN troops I don't know enough to comment about.

3. Pornography

I had a radical upbringing. I don't mind it at all.

4. Abortion

Do not get pregnant unless you want a baby. Problem removed!

5. Affirmative Action

Equality is good. Quotas are bad.

Also, I'm sick to death of hearing about the israel/palestina thing. They're dying peoples. If they had wanted to stop fighting they would've done so by now. Be it on their own heads and let them kill each other off.
Hey Onan.

ok, get your facts straight... there were ALWAYS jews living in Israel, ALWAYS. And it's a well known fact that in the few years preceding the creation of Israel there was massive immegration into Israel by both sides, the Jewish and the Palestinian, the Jews were also the ones who developed the country, which previously was just some swamps and rocks.

I am aware that there was a mass influx of Jews into Palestine prior to the creation of Israel, this was one of the biggest thrusts of what was called the Zionist movement, right? And, I suppose there probably was always Jews living there, there were Jews living in all parts of the world, (I'm sorry I don't have an approximate idea as to the concentration) but my understanding is that the majority of the population and the government was arab and had been for a long time. I'm not an expert on this segment of history - I should have admitted that above. I may be innaccurate in some of my other points as well, and I apologize for anything I said (or am saying here) that may not be true... some of it is partially assumed based on what I currently understand to be true. Future Israelies may have developed the country, I don't know. My understanding was that the major amount of Jewish immigration happened within just a few years... Jerusalem was sort of the "big prize" between the Isralies and Palestinians and it was always there, it wasn't swamps and rocks, am I right?
Either way, the larger overall point was about the pros and cons of U.N. intervention and I gave some examples for and wanted to provide one against and this is what came to mind (and, as I said, I also liked the idea of stirring the proverbial pot some more and maybe starting additional debate)... but even then, I guess there was an issue there which the U.N. was going to have to deal with sooner or later, eh? Hmmm...

The true problem for equality lies in individualism. People classify themselves by nationality, race, religious denomination, or even which area of town they reside in. These classifications require the recognization of differences between people, which transforms itself into the division between 'Us' and 'Them.' Equal, in a mathmatical sense, means the same, or without differnces. Hence we are unable to be equal until we speak a language with only first person pronouns, and in no way distinguish another from ourselves. Sounds like equality will be a no-go until we achieve shared conciousness.

Excellent point, luke, very true. It really is human nature to distingush between ourselves, isn't it? The only time humans would ever put aside their differences is to unite against an outside entity, then, once that was removed, we'd start distinguishing between ourselves again. Like the ancient greek city-states warring with each other, uniting against the Persian invaders, then going back to their own petty conflicts again right afterwards. I suppose the equality I speak of only extends as far as for equal oppourtunity when it comes down to matters that, well, AA applies to. I guess the 60-year-old white guy company manager might always see a distinction between himself and a young woman, or a black guy, or a foreign guy... but as long as he doesn't act on those distinctions but rather just gets the best person for whatever position because although he feels distinct from them, he doesn't have a fear or an issue being around them. I guess my perspective is based on the world around me and it's easier for me to see society working without affirmative action because I'm a suburban white kid in Vancouver, Canada, and I worked at a company alongside many Asian people and some Persian people, men and women old and young, from here and elsewhere, and nobody was ever discriminated against in any way. Maybe if I was in a different environment and saw a lot more of the negative things going on in the world I'd feel differently.

Hey Xtokalon.

I find it interesting that this professor came right out and said it's about reparations - I guess that was always one of my major underlying issues about AA and basically that "that's bad", but if people are fully aware of that and still support it, then... I suppose they must have really good reason to fully support it. I can't agree with it in principle, but I've failed to offer a better alternative, so...

And, I agree with you on that abortion position. I feel everybody is allowed to make a mistake and sometimes the most compassionate thing for everybody involved (including the fetus) is to have it not be born... but once a woman is having an abortion for the third or fourth time and still not bothering to take birth control or be responsible? That's unfortunate and unnecessary.

Part of my post now makes little sense, but that's okay... I just checked the dictionary definition of reparations and according to it, you're right, there is nothing wrong with it. Like most words, I didn't know the exact definition but had developed one based on context... my context being the 'reparations' Germany was forced to pay France after WWI - my understanding was that it had to do with "getting back", y'know? (and, look how well it worked there...) Anyways, opinions should always be thoughts-in-progress, I think.

I'm pretty sure this is the only board, but that, of course, is a result of us. Myself, I have conversations like this in real life all the time - this is the only place on the internet I've found, though, which is very cool. Something about Opethians...
On abortion:
I think we can once again look to the wise words of Mr. Carlin: "Not every ejaculation deserves a name".

I also agree with the one month rule, but above all else I think Protocol had the perfect solution.

Originally posted by Protocol

Do not get pregnant unless you want a baby. Problem removed!
A few ppl have said something, in regard to abortion, along the lines of "Don't get pregnant if you don't want a baby, problem removed."

That's all good in a perfect society, but in reality, it makes no sense at all. Contraception is never 100% safe, condoms break. Depsite taking all necessary precautions when having sex, unwanted pregnancies still occurs. And I tell you, it'll be a cold day in hell when I only have sex for the purpose of having a baby.

Another problem with the statement is one of sexual assualt. It is definately not the choice of a woman to get raped. If she becomes pregnant because of this, "don't become pregnant if you don't want a baby" ... kinda just flies out the window huh.