Stoner Rock for the Summer -- any recommendations?

Cavalar - As a Metal of Fact

This band is right up swizzlemynizzle, Iofstorm, Doompoofer, and Nadicle's alley. Background music for an M.T.V dating show these tunes are not. Heavily influenced by Black Sabbath.

Buy or Die if you're in to this genre. Band even has a negar for you political correct types out there.

Listen to "Rush" or "New Empire".
Jerry... you sexy bitch. Awesome recommendation. Just bought this from their web site. This shit rules.

I've been really getting into more of this stuff this past month. I've been into Colour Haze for awhile and I just got around to checking out some of the bands on their Elektrohasch label. I wish this stuff wasn't so there a place to get it cheaper than allthatisheavy? Sgt. Sunshine, My Sleeping Karma, Rotor and Hypnos 69, although I'm not too fond of the sax on their recent stuff, get the thumps up. Any recommendations to bands with a similar sound would be appreciated.
This thread doesn't have nearly enough recommendations for a recommendation thread. I haven't seen Yob mentioned here once.

So, I want some rock. Something that sounds good while stoned. Call it stoner rock if you want, I want it. Something like Sleep, Colour Haze, Kyuss/Sloburn, Electric Wizard, etc. No high-vocalized bollocks. No trad-doom masquerading as a bunch of stoned gits. Just... heavy. Help me.

Ancestors might do the trick. Some fat, laid-back swirling riffs and psychedelic dirges, genuine beauty in there, think Pink Floyd on a quicksilver diet.

Album Of Sound Mind released in 2009, fetch samples youreslf plz

Ancestors might do the trick. Some fat, laid-back swirling riffs and psychedelic dirges, genuine beauty in there, think Pink Floyd on a quicksilver diet.

Album Of Sound Mind released in 2009, fetch samples youreslf plz

Gettin' this. Shall also obtain some of that other stuff. Album recs?

Also, Yob's best effort? I'm listening to The Great Cessation and it's killer, but perhaps they've done better?