stop the rage! please


New Metal Member
May 17, 2004
London, UK
Ok, please stop this bullshit rage, yeah i'm not happy about it, i do like john over joey, but it's anthrax.... you cannot kill what doesn't die... remember?

just a few thoughts as to the recent events

it seems as if the band went "yeah lets have john re-do old songs so newer fans can know our old stuff, well that went !well now we can get joey back and new fans know all the stuff he can do!" it just seems kinda planed, put out an album of oldies, the re-form that line up..

Now it seems that there is 4(?) albums of material they can't use. joey cannot do what john does the way john does what joey did, if ya get me!

it seems now that live they are gonna be down on 40 odd songs of their (best) stuff..

(i am not asking for a flame war here) joey is not relevant to todays music.

if anthrax want to continue to grow and gain more fans they need john bush, he's vocals suit a more "modern" crowd. i want people who don't know ANY 'thax to be blown away by METAL THEY CAN RELATE TO, not sit there thinking "this sounds very '80's" or "is that guy in The Darkness?"

lots of people are gonna rant about how true fans won't care, or whatever. but a band cannot survive on just "true fans" coming to shows, they need to grow and gain more & more of a following and with WCFYA they had started to do that again after all the lable issues in the late '90's. i'd started to hear more and more anthrax played in metal clubs and more people knowing stuff like Safe Home and dancing.

i check the Tour Dates before i really checked the full site and when i saw anthrax playing Download in the UK i was like "AAAGG!! HIM FANS WILL BLEED TO DEATH IN MY PIT!!" i flipped out thinking about learning HIM fans to tunes like "Nobody Knows Anything", "fueled" and now i'm not so sure, maybe i can draw brain fluid to Indians... :hypno:

the above is an OPINION