every Opeth album is better produced than the one before, excluding Deliverance.. but I guess that was intended

And don't come with that "it fits the album"-attitude now.. I'm talking about the cleanliness and how realistically the sounds are recorded, and of how good the balance and mix is.. compression, separation, panning and whatever.
In Orchid and Morningrise, the mixes are a bit dull and muddy.. better than avg., sure.
In MAYH, the drums are a bit muddy, as are the guitars.. still great though
In SL, it almost sounds almost a bit over-saturated with over-dubbed guitars and loads of tracks.. drowning each other, at time. I think "thick" is a good way to describe much of the sound

The acoustic stuff is clean and nice..
In BWP, it all clicked, production-wise.. I don't have a single complaint!
In Deliverance, I think we sorta got back to MAYH.. but I think they went for a rawer sound (on purpose)
And, once again, Wilson does what he knows best on Damnation.. just great production again