Strange preferences??????

At first when I listened to "Still life" I was like really shocked I thought it was very different to BWP and "Godheads Lament" I didn´t like at all. Also the production was less clean, though still good. But I forced myself to listen to the entire thing and about half way through I really started digging it. MAYH on the other hand was a totally different story it was easily the hardest album to get into. It took me over half a year, to fully appreaciate it and it is still not one of my favs. A good way to get into those albums may also be to study the lyrics given the fact that they are concepts. It really helped me appreciate MAYH more. Aside from this just listen to them over and over again!
Unlike for most people, Blackwater Park seemed like impossible to get into for me. That was weird. Must've been because Dirge For November sucks ass other than for the intro, and I didn't really listen further.
TheFourthHorseman said:
Unlike for most people, Blackwater Park seemed like impossible to get into for me. That was weird. Must've been because Dirge For November sucks ass other than for the intro, and I didn't really listen further.

I disagree about Dirge sucking..

Sure its repetitive for the most part, but I like it. The heavy part of the song brings out a lot of emotion for me.
I also found Still Life very hard to get into. The only songs I liked at first were MV and SPD. I still think it's Opeth's second weakest album to Deliverance. MAYH is different because it has the fastest Opeth songs. It might not be that obvious, but when I heard AE live, it was definitely faster and more thrashy than the rest of the set. That might not be your style. The production works for and against the album at times.
My first encounter with Opeth was Morningrise; still my favorite. The second album I bought was Still Life which I didn't like a whole lot to begin with. I think it was mostly because the vocals were more Death Metalish unlike the vocals on Morningrise. Anyway, I've come to love all of Opeth's material. If I had to have a least favorite album it would be MAYH. Its the oddball out of the lineup really. Orchid and Morningrise have similar music stylings, then out of nowhere comes MAYH which is completely different. And after that you have Still Life and BP which are similar as well, then of course comes the Deliverance/Damnation releases. Its not that I don't like MAYH, its just that its so different from everything else it seems strange and foreign to me. I don't know how else to describe it.
The best Opeth songs are on MAYH and SL. Period. "When" is completely underrated, and is, in my opinion within the best three Opeth songs. Still Life is just too good...
When is incredible, and karma is *deeply* underrated, the ending to that is so awesome, about 5:30 minutes in it just gets to be incredible. Only song off MAYH i haven't fully got into yet is the amen corner, it's got one of opeth's best intros, but i'm not getting the rest of the song yet.
actually SL and MAYH are my fave opeth disks. SL hooked my literally with the first listen (SL was the only album to achieve that). MAYH took me longest to get into. i just recently (like in the last three months or smth) 'understood' songs as the amen corner which has become easily my fave opeth song by now. the intro is as e^i*p=-1 said one of opeths best and i get all excited when the solo starts. the 'eerie circles above the water' whispering thingie is the most creepy thing they ever did imo. i just adore it!
Just give them time... It's taken me a year and a half, I think, to finally come to truly appreciate each Opeth album for what it is. I believe you'll find something in all of them, and while some may draw you more than others, this is only natural and completely individual.

I hope you discover the amazingness of MAYH and SL!
Demoke said:
The best Opeth songs are on MAYH and SL. Period. "When" is completely underrated, and is, in my opinion within the best three Opeth songs. Still Life is just too good...
Agreed, When is totaly underrated. That's probably because, as track 3 on the album, it doesnt have that standout placement, and sort of goes unnoticed.
It depends which albums you heard first I think. I listened to BWP first and then picked up Morningrise and D1 soon after. (Morningrise is my favorite of those 3, and of all the other albums for that matter) I had the same problem with SL and MAYH, I think because they weren't the first I heard. I found a few choice songs I really liked on each (The Moor, Demon of the Fall, Karma, etc.) and then just slowly added on the others. The Face of Melinda became one of my favorites that way. It would have been a shame to not give them a chance, they really are top notch albums.
imo, i think that if you try hard enough, you could force yourself to like almost anything. With enough motivation and time, you truly can. I find this happening with younger kids who want to be "cool." Give the albums a chance, but if you dont like them, then dont listen to them. Their is enough good music out their, you dont need to force yourself on anything.
MAYH was the third Opeth album I got. I'd had Orchid for a while and had been listening to Blackwater Park a lot when I got MAYH. So yeah the production made it slightly harder to get into the album the first time I heard it.

I liked When immediately, but I didn't appreciate the musical genius of the entire album until about the third time I listened to it. I had read the lyrics, then I put on some headphones and proceeded to get blown away. It just sort of hit me all at once! Now MAYH is one of my favorite albums of all time. Karma + Epilogue are my favorite songs, along with April Ethereal. :)
ShroudOfDusk said:
Agreed, When is totaly underrated. That's probably because, as track 3 on the album, it doesnt have that standout placement, and sort of goes unnoticed.

My hypothesis is those songs that are not played live are not much talked about. I had the feeling that after the last tour we were all praising "April Ethereal" (a kick-ass song, by the way) a lot more than before that tour and I think that was because the guys were playing it live. If they played "Wreath" and "By the Pain I See in Others" live, we all would be blown away and would start saying they're the best Opeth songs. :err: your thoughts on this matter?
i don't know why you bastards rip on the production for Still Life or MAYH... i think both are done amazingly well... granted, i think SL could have been been cleaned up just a little... but it's still pretty good. just listen to that fade out into the acoustic "there is no forgiveness" part in "the Moor" that's great shit... MAYH is perfect in absolutely every single way and you all know it's true
Demoke said:
My hypothesis is those songs that are not played live are not much talked about. I had the feeling that after the last tour we were all praising "April Ethereal" (a kick-ass song, by the way) a lot more than before that tour and I think that was because the guys were playing it live. If they played "Wreath" and "By the Pain I See in Others" live, we all would be blown away and would start saying they're the best Opeth songs. :err: your thoughts on this matter?
My thoughts? It doesnt affect me because I've never seen them live, nor do I realy have any plans to fly the 3000km next time they're around.