STREET TEAM: We need Recruits!!


Feb 2, 2002
This is from Dirk at Full On (Anthrax managment):
Hey Everybody, I am coming before all of you North American street teamers with a mission. I would like each and every one of you to recruit at least one person this week to the Anthrax street team. This is very important to me, we need this legion to grow. We must have at least one member per state. There are some amazing things happening with the boys this month, first being number one on the Zone, and second the Carson Daly appearance, with even more to come. This band is very important to me and one of the key reasons I pursued a career in the music industry. I've been listening to them since 1985. They are a Legend and must be treated as such, only get serious recruits willing to further the cause. I will need their Names, Address, and E-mail. They can be from your state, province, or any other. We can make this the best street team out there, together.

Contact either myself or Dirk when you have found a new street teamer! Or, better yet, have the new recruit contact us.
I've received about 6 new recruits (most of them from Sean!!!!!).

C'mon, folks. Don't you know any Anthrax fan's who'd like to join the street team?
Wow. We sure could use some more Antrhax voters!
Tell your friends. The Anthrax Street Team is the bomb!