Studios facts (for bands)


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Hey guys.
I've started doing some YouTube videos to put forward to BANDS and I guess, beginner recording dudes. We have a LOT of info here from more seasoned guys, and that's all well and good, but what annoys me most is having clients who've been either misinformed or somehow confused about how some processes work, thus making them apprehensive and confused about the recording scenario. (I guess KIND OF like Glenn's, but a lot more matter of fact)

So as time goes, I'm gonna be putting up more and more tidbits of info. The first one I did is Reamping. What is it? Why it's NOT cheating. etc. It's just a quick video, but I'll be doing better ones as I go.

The next one is going to be New strings VS Old strings. Which I feel is very important. I'm gonna record DIs of a guitar with 2 week old strings, 2 days old and 2 minutes (you get the idea) and play them both as DI and through a sim etc.

Anyway, here's last week's one. I was hoping you guys might throw some ideas forward as to potential tidbits I could do :)

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This is a cool idea, I can see this being legitimately useful for showing bands and not just an in-joke circle-jerk between AEs.

Definitely something on the use of triggers and sample replacement/augmentation, maybe something on editing that has to be done to DIs and shit that the performer usually doesn't see but is totally necessary? (silence/crap noises between parts on gtrs/vocals, for instance)
This is a cool idea, I can see this being legitimately useful for showing bands and not just an in-joke circle-jerk between AEs.

Definitely something on the use of triggers and sample replacement/augmentation, maybe something on editing that has to be done to DIs and shit that the performer usually doesn't see but is totally necessary? (silence/crap noises between parts on gtrs/vocals, for instance)

Thanks Jeff, that's EXACTLY the feedback I needed :) Triggers/ Augmenting IS video #3, I'm already on it haha. It's these silly misconceptions that cause issues, so that's what this is all about.

I think maybe one about editing IN GENERAL would be good. Cover it all, use examples, commercial/ ameteur etc. The Born Of Osiris single raws they released would come in SO handy for that one haha.
I must have fucking-old strings vs brand new strings on bass somewhere. My bass is shit, but what matters is the difference and it's so huge even the dumbest bass player would hear the difference ! Gonna see if I have this somewhere as I had an HD crash recently and it's a bit of a mess !
Monolith Studios - Studio Facts #2 - Old strings Vs New strings.
Enjoy, and download the DI files in the video description to hear the differences yourself.

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I think these are pretty useful. Like Jeff said, I could show these to a band b/c of how polite and unassuming your presentation is while still making the point. If I had one criticism it would be to cut to the chase a bit and skip the benny hill stuff but that's pretty minor. Seriously, nice job.
Again man, nice vid but I think the difference would be more obvious with real amps than with ampsims...would have made it a bit easier to sell that point, altho most guys I convinced about this I also showed it with ampsims.
Cheers guys :)

@egan: Sure dude, that'a cool, I put it in for a bit of a gaff, so that's fine. But I'm glad you found the overall presentation to be good. I never have much faith in my explanatory skills :p
@mago: Yeah, I realized that in hindsight but shot that vid REALLY late at night so reamping wasn't much an option. But also, the DI tracks are downloadable so at least people can have a crack too :D
I'm glad that most people (even not recording folk) have mentioned the difference is pretty obvious so that's good