Stupid Americans


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia

Saw a thing on Sky News today (I think it was from CBS) about two women who both lost sons in Iraq. The first one said how it was totally wrong because they shouldn't have been over there in the first place (her son said he was going there because he didn't want to let his mates down - fair enough), while the second said that it was totally justified because otherwise "they would have overrun us" and "if we had waited any longer I'd be wearing a burqa".

God these Christian fundamentalist Americans annoy me. What sort of propaganda are people over there fed if they think they would be overrun by Muslims if they don't attack? It just makes me very angry at the stupidity and ignorance of stupid, ignorant Americans.
"My son died so I didn't have to worry about wearing more material over me than I am currently used to. Thanks son!"

That is retarded and sad. Why are so many Americans so dumb.
There's 300 million of them. They can't all be geniuses. But America is one of the most nationalistic places on Earth. I'm sure they could even show the Balkan states a thing or two about nationalism. Some of these goons just swallow everything their leaders say without even questioning it. Until the Gulf War, some Americans didn't even know Iran and Iraq were two different countries, or where they were.
She lost her son, if it makes it easier for her to think he died saving the US from invasion, let her believe it.
All the families who have had someone die over there want to believe their sons/daughters died for a reason. Even if deep down they know they should never have been there in the first place, that only makes it worse to think they died for an absolutely beyond moronic president who is looking out for his own interests.

They are angry they lost their child and thus, they are angry at the people who killed them. I can understand that. Especially given the US medias slant on things.

Just recently here there were Australian veterans absolutely up in arms that Australia would be starting war games with Japan again, those guys do not forget, and I can see why they dont, even though obviously the Japan of now is not the Japan of then by any stretch of the imagination.
What makes me laugh is when you see mothers on tv bawling about how their kid is in Iraq and stuff...and they're freaking out at the government because "He only joined the army so he could get a degree"

Hello...what part of the word ARMY dont you understand?
Well maybe he joined before September 11 when there wasnt much of a chance of the US invading, sorry, bringing democracy, to another country, especially when the UN (even though they are useless anyway) ruled the action would be illegal :)
Thing is, salty, for many kids in the US joinging the army is the only way they can afford to study. Hell, for a lot of them is it's either army, shitty no-life jobs, or jail. So it's not surprising many of them go into the army, just so they can get out of their shitty, no-life towns.

What's even shittier is that the national guard is being used more and more in Iraq - so who is protecting America now from the tsunami terr'ists?