Stupidest thing ever.


Master bassist
May 27, 2004
Lancaster, CA
I did the stupidest thing that I'd ever done in my life yesterday, and I wanna know if anyone's done anything as stupid, stupider, or if they've even simply done anything stupid.

Okay, here it goes:

I was listening to Cthulhu Dawn by Cradle of Filth. I started headbanging because I really like the song. The next thing I knew, I was at the hospital getting stitches in my forehead because I hit the corner of my desk. lol.
I once sat at a bartable in a live gig , the band sucked , I was so irritated that when they finally played a cover of Paranoid I headbanged my head against my beerbottle. I walked out out of there with a perfectly round purple ring on my forehead - looked kinda oriental
Matheusbassist01 said:
I did the stupidest thing that I'd ever done in my life yesterday, and I wanna know if anyone's done anything as stupid, stupider, or if they've even simply done anything stupid.

Okay, here it goes:

I was listening to Cthulhu Dawn by Cradle of Filth. I started headbanging because I really like the song. The next thing I knew, I was at the hospital getting stitches in my forehead because I hit the corner of my desk. lol.

I agree, listening to Cradle of Filth is pretty stupid.
At one of my band's shows before we were ready to play , I had my guitar with me. And I decided to dive off the side for some reason, and I crashed right into this other drummer's high hat stand and broke it in half. Good thing he isn't a big guy or else I'd probably be dead right now.
Donnie Darko said:
The real stupidest thing was listening to Cradle of Filth

You can like them or whoever else you want for any reason, man.

Just understand that a lot of other people might not.
And of course eating shit is good too. After all if it tastes good to you it must be OK? Cradle of Filth is still trash even if everyone would like it.
Matheusbassist01 said:
I did the stupidest thing that I'd ever done in my life yesterday, and I wanna know if anyone's done anything as stupid, stupider, or if they've even simply done anything stupid.

i soooo have you beat. haha.

when i was a freshman in high school i was kinda fat, and a few years ago i was gettin ready for work, but i couldnt find my belt. I was digging through my closet looking for one, and I came across one of my old belts that was kinda big, even the last notch wasnt tight enough. At this point I was in a hurry, so I decided to make it smaller... to make an extra hole. I took out a pocket knife (a folding one... im sure you see where this is going, lol) and tried to poke a hole in the belt, and obviously the knife folded down, and went right into my hand, down to the bone, blood all over the place. I didnt go to work that night obviously, wound up in the hospital getting 23 stitches.

THAT was the dumbest thing ive ever done =P
Well I did something stupid too.. maybe not as stupid as the head banging to cradle of filth thing.. but here goes... (might be a long story)

I was at a concert front center!! the 2 opening bands had just finished and we were waiting for In flames to come on (I know ppl here dont seem to like In flames but I do) but I had to go pee cuz ppl were pushing on my bladder (if I was a guy I would of pissed right in front of me.. but it is not the case)... There was a shit load of people there so I left the front row and went upstairs to take a piss... I came back down.. the crowd multiplied... so I couldnt crawl back in front... So I trashed for quite a while and then went back to go pee.. after that I was all dizy and stayed at the back and was headbanging with the staff... then I got up on a chair to check the show out.. and I started to headbang.. standing on a chair... I held on to a curtain that was there and at some point the curtain ripped cuz I was pulling on it and shit.. and I fell down on two guys!! It was hilarious but.. we three fell on concrete and one of the guys hit his nose so hard it was bleeding and I had a huuuuge bruise on my forehead.. we got up to find that lots of people were staring at us and laughing.. so we started to lauugh as welll I was so embaressed!!! But hey .. it was the funniest thing that ever happened to me at a concert!!