Suggest band ideas for HC 3

I'm sorry, but everything in this post is retarded and hardly worth responding to. I think I'm done here. All of the "evidence" you presented doesn't actually amount to shit in actually making a legitimate claim for them being NS, whether they are or not.

So a band is defined soley by its songs lyrics, NOT it's band members? Is that what you're saying?

Rob Darken is not a "Nazi" and to not only say that but to also say that "everything he does is nazi-like" is fucking laughable.

Well, yeah, that's why I included the whole goosestepping joke??

God damn, did somebody hack your account? Your arguments and rationale are completely bullshit for somebody that's actually intelligent.

Huh, I thought they were pretty articulate myself!! At least I offered arguements, instead of just answering questions with more questions.
So a band is defined soley by its songs lyrics, NOT it's band members? Is that what you're saying?

Well, yeah, that's why I included the whole goosestepping joke??

Huh, I thought they were pretty articulate myself!! At least I offered arguements, instead of just answering questions with more questions.

1) Are you saying that a band must be defined by who made it? If so, then Burzum should also be considered NS. And Destroyer 666.

2) Read the interview I linked to.

3) Like I said, all of your "evidence" proves nothing. Some people say that Drudkh had nothing to do with the printing of the shirt. A lot of Eastern European bands have their music released on cassette without any formal permission or knowledge, etc. All in all, there is no genuine argument conclusively associating Drudkh (as an entity, not a collection of individuals) with NS. I'm not talking about "DUR IT'S DA LYRICS N U CNAT REED DEM N E WAYZ," I'm talking in general. Drudkh doesn't even have a website or give interviews. They never express their beliefs as a band. The only things I've ever heard regarding the band were that they did not associate Drudkh with NS and the NSBM scene, despite their own leanings and their other bands.
I've honestly NEVER read one Pro-White remark in any Graveland lyric.

The booklet to the No Colours reissue of Thousand Swords speaks of how the white race will dominate, etc.

If I remember correctly the instance I'm thinking about in the lyrics is in Fire Chariot of Destruction's "Flaming Wrathful Hate:"

"because we have the might
it's in our blood of white"

That seems fairly indicative of racial superiority to me. Their lyrics aren't always about white supremacy, but there's this one and a few others. That's enough to classify them in NSBM because the beliefs do pervade the lyrics, but, like I said earlier... whatever. Just my opinion.
@Necuratul: OK fine. At least you didn't get insulting again, and honestly, why you're being so defensive about it is beyond me.

BUt here's the deal:

Metal promoters will not book NS bands or NS-related bands, or bands with band members that play in NS bands, whatever that definition of NS is.

That's all folks. As far as I know, you will NEVER EVER see Graveland at a fest like Wacken. Rob Darken can disassociate himself all he wants but there would be a riot if Wacken even approached him, or Nokturnal Mortum, etc.

Gotta love Rob's thoughts on the future of the United States:

Thinking about the future of the United States , I wonder if your country will make it through or maybe as Russia will divide into smaller republics (states)…or maybe it will plunge into chaos and anarchy flooded with non-Whites from the South. I observed the situation in New Orleans . Really interesting. I wondered how the downfall of the US would look like. And the decline is coming. The ruling elites live in unreal world. They care more about protection of Israel than about their own citizens. The situation in the US is not good. And I think that you all know that. White people are the minority. And White people have always been responsible for national order and hold important functions in the government. And as White are the minority, who is going to rule? Majority of the countries ruled by non-Whites (especially Africans) are plunged into civil wars, anarchy, corruption, drug business etc. But maybe the United States have chance to survive…through access to weapon. In the case of chaos and anarchy, White society will be able to create military units and protect the lands against the enemies

On recent albums, half of the lyrics have been written by the guy from Woodtemple, so don't jump to conclusions about that just yet anyway.
Well, Necuratul, you shot yourself in the foot posting that interview. He may veil his beliefs, but he doesn't shy away from them completely.
BTW, JK, I haven't been talking about promoters for some time now, I couldn't give a shit about them. What I'm talking about is who is NS and who is not, period, not who promoters would consider NS and thus not book them.
Well, Necuratul, you shot yourself in the foot posting that interview. He may veil his beliefs, but he doesn't shy away from them completely.

He's an out and out racist and is NS. BUT he separates his music from this intentionally. This is my point. :confused:

PS I'm not responding to the NS topic anymore because I don't even really care.
BTW, JK, I haven't been talking about promoters for some time now, I couldn't give a shit about them. What I'm talking about is who is NS and who is not, period, not who promoters would consider NS and thus not book them.

Well, sorry you went off topic then.

This thread is about bands people would hope to see at HC, and sorry to bust the bubble, but Drudkh 'aint gonna cut it. Neither is Graveland.

All I'm trying to do is speculate as to why these bands wouldn't make the list. If it's guilt by NS association, then so be it.
Yeah, you wouldn't happen to be white would you? :lol:



