one of my exes' friends was the daughter of jim cook, and j.p. licks (an ice cream chain in boston) made sam adams flavoured ice cream for some anniversary party type thing jim cook threw a few years ago. she said the ice cream tasted horrible.
i would imagine newcastle-flavored ice cream tasting a-ok! but then again, I can't really eat ice cream as dairy makes me stomach turn upside-down.

I don't normally drink a lot of summer-style beers, but dammit Alaskan Brewery makes a fine one.

there's also been a long sale on New Belgium beers at ye local BevMo, so I've been drinking lots of their brews. The amber and the black ale are my faves, but the missus likes the very hoppy 'Kite" beer, too.

we had a beer-tasting party with some fellow brewing/dog-owning pals and they made a green apple jolly rancher beer. "interesting" is the word I'd use to describe it. Not really bad, per se, but not an everyday beer, that's for sure.
alex, why did you ever give that girl up? we could've been best friends like Tom Hanks and the other guy from Bosom Buddies! only sans female garb and plus lifetime sam adams supply.

(although this would involve either us abusing that exes' relationship with her friend or me macking on that friend to get to the brew. either one of which i'd be fine with, considering the large prize at the end of the preverbial rainbow)
so far, i've just tried the Summer Kolsch from local Schlafly Brewery. It's a nice ale with a really nutty flavor, and is really good with giant chicken sammiches from Red Robin.

Summer Kölsch (April 25th)
This light-colored, refreshing ale is THE beer of Cologne. Well balanced and mild mannered, this beer is great for summer. Available May through August.
I tried a good local one last night and tonight. Boulevard Brewing Co from Kansas City makes one similar to Blue Moon Belgian White called Zon (Flemish for Sun):

Boulevard's summer seasonal was introduced in June of 2000. Our interpretation of a classic Belgian witbier, ZÔN (Flemish for "Sun") combines the subtle flavors of coriander and orange peel with other traditional ingredients to create a delightful, refreshing summertime brew.