Superior 2.0 - preset collection

Lekteri, I know this is a drums thread, but I'm interested in what you did to your guitar tracks. What'd you use? Also, howd you pan/mix everything? Sounds awesome the way everything fits together. That's the biggest thing I'm struggling with.
For those of you not liking Superior 2.0's kick and snare samples, what are your velocities set at? I find that virtually everything sounds MUCH better with the velocity pretty damn high. Kick is at 127 constantly ( except for some softer hits for dynamics ), snare/toms are around 112, more for emphasis. Less, and the drums sound a lot weaker ( almost as if they are being hit quieter! :eek: )
Lekteri, I know this is a drums thread, but I'm interested in what you did to your guitar tracks. What'd you use? Also, howd you pan/mix everything? Sounds awesome the way everything fits together. That's the biggest thing I'm struggling with.

Ya Im also curious as well
I'm starting to think I'm not happy with Superior 2.0 at all. Anyone else feel that way? It's not very "metal."

IMO the samples in Superior 2 sounds a bit too mechanical. For me, nothing beats dfh with blended samples, sadly. I can't wait to get my hands on metal foundry. If that doesn't work out I'll design a drum room, get a good set of mics and a great drumkit.:lol:
I'm having problem when I try load the presets.When I load Savage_Kit.s20 for example there's tone only from the kick drum,there's no Snare,Toms,Cymbals only Kick drum.Can anyone of you help me to fix this problem?Thank you!
solution was posted in previous pages.. either enable multiple outs from the vsti menu in cubase (it's a tiny thing, next to the (e) button, it's like a square with an arrow pointing out of it).

or make bus in the S2 mixer send audio to "OUT 1"
Ok so I need help, cause I'm starting goin crazy, whenever I want to load a preset this happens...


Please tell me what to do or I'll take hammer and blow up everything -.- thanks in advance