Sweet! I'm getting the new Bloodbath tonight!

You say ONE WORD and I'll slice you from throat to groin with a dull...salt-drenched...rusty-as-all-hell...METAL OBJECT! Got it??!!

Nah, I'm just kidden man. :D Share with the group. Won't you?
Originally posted by Opethfan1980
A friend of mine has acquired a promo of the new Bloodbath album (I guess a friend of his knows some people associated with the band), and he's going to send it to me tonight.

I'll let you guys know how it is.

I'm so excited!

By all means share. I'll send you any album(s) I've got if you'd be so kind as to send it my way. IM me on aim if you're interested.
Out of respect to the band, and the label, I don't feel right about just giving this album out to anyone.

I don't want it to be all over the internet.

My friend put the whole thing on a temp website, so it's all there for download, but, I'm not going to just post it for all to see.
Originally posted by Opethfan1980
Out of respect to the band, and the label, I don't feel right about just giving this album out to anyone.

I don't want it to be all over the internet.

My friend put the whole thing on a temp website, so it's all there for download, but, I'm not going to just post it for all to see.

But you know all of us little fanboys are gonna buy it....:)
I hate file sharing programs anyway, on winmx all I share is a list of shit I have, and I can give you my word that bloodbath will not be going on that list. The most sharing I'll do is letting a friend hear it in my car or something, I can promise you that. But it's by all means your call, and I won't hold it against you if you don't want to give it to me.
it's not "appreciated" people PUBLICALLY talking about illegally trading the album right here.

please don't talk about the respect for the band and the label in the first place when doing the exact opposite a few hours later.
Originally posted by Opethfan1980
Blakkheim, if I had no respect for the band and the label, these songs would be all over kazaa right now.

...and what makes you so sure that the people you make it available to won't put it online? I would be pissed too if someone was making my album available to people a full 2 months (or any time for that matter) before its scheduled release date...
Originally posted by Opethfan1980
Blakkheim, if I had no respect for the band and the label, these songs would be all over kazaa right now.

Opethfan: Think about it for a second. Your comment here sounds like you're doing them "a favor" or something by not spreading the music that THEY made!! Who gives you the right?? I understand you got your hands on something but you seem to piss away the privledge almost effortlessly. You know.. it's people like you that must make SO many musicians want to get out of the music biz, even if they love making music but fukknhell, why is it up to YOU (and people like you) who decides the fate here? You're drunk on your own power, oh sorry, it was your friend that got the cd who's first to blame... but here you come braggin and spreading other ppls hard work like you had a goddamn thing to do with it. Get your own life.
Makes me sick...