Symphony X news about the new album


May 14, 2007
From Blabbermouth:

During a brand new interview with DJ JC Green of Metal Messiah Radio's "Heavy Metal Thunder" show, vocalist Russell Allen of New Jersey's progressive metal masters SYMPHONY X revealed that the band has set "Iconoclast" as the title of its eighth album, due later this year via Nuclear Blast Records.

When asked what stage of the recording/mixing process the new CD is in, Allen replied, "We are in post-production, so the album is pretty much almost done. At this point, mixes are being wrapped up and finalized and it's off to mastering and should be ready for release in a few months — definitely first quarter of 2011. We've got the artworks all done, we're taking pictures next week... all that good stuff. So everything's on track for release pretty soon."

Regarding the sound of "Iconoclast" and how it compares to that of 2007's "Paradise Lost", Russell said, "Sonically, it's in the realm of that one in a way, in terms of the sound of things; the guitar sound is a little different. Basically, the album is pretty intense — probably the most intense record we've ever done; it's chock-full of riffs — tons of great riffs. It's heavy, the music, but the singing is very melodic in terms of its... the choruses are real strong, the verses are real strong, but I'm singing aggressively — a lot of that going on — 'cause the topic is, again, very dark; you know, that's what we do. So the album's very powerful. And, of course, we do have one song that's like a little mini-epic, so to speak, and it's the lightest — a light, light, light song. So there is a contrast on the record of that one song that has that sort of 'Paradise Lost' feel to it; it's a ballad, I guess, if you wanna call it that."

He continued, "This album will contain a good body of work that harkens back to a lot of early metal — some early metal — and a lot of SYMPHONY X standards that you guys know already, and a little bit of a newer sound, too, here and there — just a newer direction. Some of the singing parts, I tried some more rhythmic things that I was hearing that sounded pretty cool, and some different things that I'm doing with my voice now that are a little more looking to the future of what we hear the music going. It's just the next progression for us, where we are as writers and stuff, but it's pretty intense — it's way more intense than 'Paradise Lost', if you can believe that."

When asked about the "Iconoclast" lyrical concept, Russell said, "It is basically just the idea of machines taking over everything and all this technology we put our society into pretty much being our demise. It's a story we were all familiar with, but we put our own spin on it. It's not a linear story in terms of... This is just the theme of the record, so all the songs are in that theme, but they're not connected in any sort of story way — there's no characters of any of that stuff — it's just a theme. Like [PINK FLOYD's] 'The Dark Side Of The Moon', it's really just a theme of the dark side of the moon — one song deals with death, the other one deals with time... You know what I mean?! So it's the same kind of thing. I'm not comparing the two albums by any means — don't misunderstand me — but in terms of the idea of a concept, so to speak, the concept is there, but it's not a story record — not like [2002's] 'The Odyssey', where the song 'The Odyssey' is that story."
Paradise Lost took me a while to "get", but after I saw some of the songs live I started to really like it. I'm really looking forward to this. :kickass:
Heavy with a touch of light sounds good to me. I just hope it truly hits the stores when he says. Definitely want to play it some before the tour.
I look forward to this, but the whole luddite thing doesn't exactly get me fired up.*

*And yet one of my favorite albums ever is Transition by Destiny's End.
The title is extremely cliche, so I'm disappointed in that respect. But I'm sure it will rock musically.
I don't think these guys are capable of putting out a bad album. With that said, I just hope they don't go absolutly overboard with the whole "heavy" thing. In my mind, they've always been heavy, but melodic at the same time. Paradise Lost sounded to me like they focused a little too much on "heavy" and a little less on melodic. I like the album, but it's not the one I really reach for when I get into the Symphony X mood.

Love the heavy. Bring the heavy. Add some speed. The Odyssey and Paradise Lost are perfect albums. Twilight in Olympus was cool, too. But, V: Mythology Suite was a total turd. Boring, punchless. I hate it. That album turned me off on SX until The Odyssey was released.
For me, Symphony X does not have a "turd" in the catalog. All of their albums are strong to my ear. So much so that I often have a hard time picking my favorite. Like Brian said though, I hope they don't turn too much from the melodic sounds.
He;ll the only SX album I really don't like is the Damnation Game. I -love- everything they've done from Divine Wings and on. but I'm not entirely sure why people seem to be suggesting that V is like some kind of Dream Theater album? There are some pretty heavy/speedy tracks there, certainly it's heavier than Olympus? Hell I even like the Kansas-esque stuff they do. They really don't fool around when it comes to recordings so I do have high hopes and expectations.
I have a feeling that record will have a lot of Michael Romeo just basically masturbating, furiously on the guitar. Crazy shit, all over the place. :0
For me, The New Mythology Suite was their finest moment. However, with each of the last two discs, they've been making a conscious effort to move towards a more straight-up Metal sound. I would love to see them drift back a bit towards their roots. But given their upswing in record and concert sales, that's just not very realistic.