Symphony X Set Lists

Spectre Within X

New Metal Member
Oct 27, 2002
Michigan, USA
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Hello!! :wave:

As some of you may know, on December 5th I will finally be witnessing Symphony X live! :grin: My question to you guys is what is the typical Symphony X set list? I am assuming it will be similar to Live On The Edge Of Forever....but I do not know :confused:

Thank You to all who help! :spin:
They'll be playing 45 minute setlists, and from an interview I read with one of them, they'll be doing at least four songs from the new album, something like Wicked, Accolade II, Incantations and King of Terrors, so there you got about half of the setlist.

Rest will probably be some classic songs that are well suited to a live setting, probably something you can find in LATEOF.
Originally posted by HallowedOne
They'll be playing 45 minute setlists, and from an interview I read with one of them, they'll be doing at least four songs from the new album, something like Wicked, Accolade II, Incantations and King of Terrors, so there you got about half of the setlist.

Rest will probably be some classic songs that are well suited to a live setting, probably something you can find in LATEOF.

Whoa! I was expecting 1 hr setlists. If they would play DWOT, that would take half of their time leaving time for just 4-5 songs max. That sucks!
Hello!! :wave:

Thank You! Some people may get upset at me saying this :cry: but I hope they do not play The Divine Wings Of Tragedy. Since they have minimal time that will take up too much time being of 20 minute length.

I hope to hear something off of The Damnation Game!
Hello!! :wave:

:cry: No The Damnation Game material :cry:

Do you think they will play The Divine Wings To Tragedy? I hope not since they will not have a really long setlist...I wonder if they will play Through The Looking Glass! Well, in a month and 5 days (who's counting :cool: ) I will find out! :spin: