Symphony X's future

What I find kind of interesting on that point is that they are all such excellent guys when you meet them at the show. I've talked with all of them (except for MJR who I've never seen wandering about) and they will take pictures, shoot the shit, etc. They definitely have something about them though where they don't seem to be very interactive besides in a live setting. It's too bad because I bet they would have exceeded the popularity and recognition of DT if they even attempted to put themselves out there a little more.
I am allowed to approach a song however I choose thankfully. I don't listen to music when I want to hear poetry; I will just go read poetry. When I listen to music I want to be entertained and occasionally marvel at ingenuity of the artist for creating sounds so compelling.

There are plenty great songs out there with unusual lyrics that sometimes make me chuckle at how silly they are. Still I think those songs are great because I listen to music to hear music buddy. So If you want think that your way is the only way to enjoy a song then I think that is what's absurd. Your hyperbole is also irrelevant because you're not going hear something in that realm of ridiculousness on a record.

Case in point for me is the lyrics of Iconoclast. Nothing special or particularly creative about it, but I still think is a very strong song off of that album. Why? Glad you asked....because the music itself is what makes the song. If Rus was putting together lyrics that gave me a hard on and the music was a bunch of garbage we wouldn't even be having this conversation because no one would know who the hell Symphony X even was.

I respect you and everyone else who take lyrics seriously, and who feel like they diminish a song that much when they are poorly written. We all hear things in different ways and place various levels of importance on different aspects of music. I was just trying to share my personal feelings and agree with others. To label our thoughts as "absurd" and to question our sanity is just flat out wrong.

Another excellent post! Wholeheartedly agreed.
Mike LePond is actually a bit chatty over Facebook (and definitely is in person), don't know about the others.

Anyway, I find pretty annoying the very low amount of interaction with the fans, not only direct interaction (such as personal twitter accounts), but - in general - news aver very rare, we never get to know what they are currently doing.

And yet, the only time they seemed to be willing to ask some feedback, they put up that fan-made setlist... which ended up in, err, nothing.
you should write lyrics
I was working on an album off and on, but now work is putting that on backburner.

...we must win the tenth tournament, or else Earthrealm will be lost to Shang Tsung!

I've just never understood it when people attach such uber-importance to them(aside from on a concept album) and you just get the standard reaction like you get from hipsters when you point out to them that the film Inception was a piece of shit, like "you just don't get it man" or "uh, it is just too cerebral for ya brah."

Fuck that shit.
Inception is shit. That's pseudo-intellectual crap.

I am allowed to approach a song however I choose thankfully. I don't listen to music when I want to hear poetry; I will just go read poetry. When I listen to music I want to be entertained and occasionally marvel at ingenuity of the artist for creating sounds so compelling.

There are plenty great songs out there with unusual lyrics that sometimes make me chuckle at how silly they are. Still I think those songs are great because I listen to music to hear music buddy. So If you want think that your way is the only way to enjoy a song then I think that is what's absurd. Your hyperbole is also irrelevant because you're not going hear something in that realm of ridiculousness on a record.

Case in point for me is the lyrics of Iconoclast. Nothing special or particularly creative about it, but I still think is a very strong song off of that album. Why? Glad you asked....because the music itself is what makes the song. If Rus was putting together lyrics that gave me a hard on and the music was a bunch of garbage we wouldn't even be having this conversation because no one would know who the hell Symphony X even was.

I respect you and everyone else who take lyrics seriously, and who feel like they diminish a song that much when they are poorly written. We all hear things in different ways and place various levels of importance on different aspects of music. I was just trying to share my personal feelings and agree with others. To label our thoughts as "absurd" and to question our sanity is just flat out wrong.
I can question your sanity and call you absurd just as freely as you can listen to music how you want man. I don't blunt my opinions to make people happy, and yeah, I'm aware they're just my opinions. We just don't see eye to eye on the lyrics thing. It totally kills a song for me, for good. Kills it dead if the lyrics suck. All art is poetry. Well, all art is kind of related in a way. I can enjoy a painting with the same emotion as a song, and I expect the same kind of experience quality from both.
I agree with them not been too social and stuff, not enough mediatic meat around the bones.

You take DT, those musicians have their own forum where they connect with the fans and stuff. John Pettruci is everywhere and talks for his sponsors. MJR, not at all.

Do you see Michael Romeo with a twitter account, and responding to the forums here ?
What are they afraid of ?
Don't even manage his own facebook page.

Hey, can't even find a single interview with the keyboardist. What the fuck ? He's worse than John Myung.

What I find kind of interesting on that point is that they are all such excellent guys when you meet them at the show. I've talked with all of them (except for MJR who I've never seen wandering about) and they will take pictures, shoot the shit, etc. They definitely have something about them though where they don't seem to be very interactive besides in a live setting. It's too bad because I bet they would have exceeded the popularity and recognition of DT if they even attempted to put themselves out there a little more.

I sense that aside from perhaps Russ, Symphony X are just really private guys. And that's fine; just because people are "famous" or respected musicians doesn't mean that their every move should be in the spotlight. While it would definitely help their chances of gaining more popularity, they don't owe it to anyone to have more of an online presence, conduct as many interviews as possible (answering the same boring questions over and over), or get Twitter or anything. To me it seems that Symphony X treats their music as more of a hobby and less of a career.

Some of DT is the complete opposite of this. I get the impression that John Petrucci is completely full of himself, although not all evidence necessarily suggests so. Just a hunch. Portnoy was (and probably still is) a complete ham, along with the blatantly arrogant LaBrie. Rudess and Myung (when he speaks) seem like standup guys, though. I've met them both and they were very laid back and cool.
I haven't ever had a problem with how those guys roll. As long as they keep putting out music I enjoy then more power to them how much or little they want to promote.

And Ken, be as blunt as you need to be when discussing a topic, but I am pretty sure my opinions didn't attack anyone else's opinions or character though. There is never any call for that kind of thing when we are all just sharing. Obviously I said I respect what others find tasteful in their music. Just because we can say anything we want doesn't mean we should when it is disrespectful to others.
You obviously missed the point. I never said you should apologize either. Just state why you disagree and move on. There is obviously better ways to disagree than to call others names.
On other thing I just realized. My original comments weren't even directed towards you so I am not sure we are having this conversation. Thanks for your input though. Now back to something more constructive for us all.
Just today (¿?) I realized...

The differences between the lyrics of the debut album and DG are overwhelming comparing them to IC lyrics (I´m not saying those where their best lyrics, but yeah, there was some magic back then).

Future Sucks.
I have a feeling Romeo, Rullo, and Pinella are private guys.

But I hung out with Pinella and he came to Starbucks with me and Dad.
He was a blast to hang out with us, he was tired though.
But he was very kind and didn't mind hanging out at all, it's one of my favorite memories!
I was browsing the Andy Sneap boards the other day and there was an Iconoclast thread, they were all jizzing over it. Apparently they think the production is really good or something.
Mathiäs;10570795 said:
I was browsing the Andy Sneap boards the other day and there was an Iconoclast thread, they were all jizzing over it. Apparently they think the production is really good or something.

That's because it is. For the kind of music they (Romeo) wrote for the album, the production is just right.
some of you guys sound like you are close to they wont come hang out with the fans, so what? Not all people like the social interaction. I have talked to Lepond at every SymX show I have been to, he was pretty nice. Some guys just want to go relax, drink a beer, and just wind down. If MJR came out, he would be mobbed for hours, and people would say he was a dick, just because he wouldn't stay longer.
I don't care about bandmembers coming to hang out. They're people and they deserve their privacy. I am of the opinion that the direction the band is going is not constructive though. Not for posterity anyway.

Also, lol@ sneap fans.
IC's production is top notch, regardless of who said what and regardless of whether you like the album or not. I believe it was mixed and mastered by that same Swedish guy who mixed PL. Jens Bogren to be precise. He mixed Opeth's Watershed and Ghost Reveries (their best-mixed album ever IMO), Devin Townsend's Deconstruction, and others of the best mixed albums by Katatonia, Amon Amarth, Soilwork, etc.

His promo vids start with SX tunes so he must be proud of those works. :)

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IC's production is top notch, regardless of who said what and regardless of whether you like the album or not.
