Symphony X's future

Neither one was anywhere near as good as Subsurface, Critical Mass, or Hypothetical.

Dead Reckoning is superior to all of those. Songwriting is just better.

My only fear is that Adrenaline Mob gets big and Russel Allen leaves SX.

Why would he leave SymX? With the amount of time it takes them to release albums, and how sporadically they tour, it'd just be a side project with no reduction in hours given.
To whomever asked... Yes. I do know the difference between re-recording and re-mastering.

I meant re-recording... because seriously the Orchestration opening on Paradise Lost was absolutely awesome. I listen to it quite frequently and I have confidence in Romeo that he could re-record song The Odyssey and make it 10x better with a re-recording. Not that is not awesome already (because it is).

Personally, all the members in Symphony X are fine and do not need to be replaced. They are all capable of doing whatever they need to do and I do not think they have run out of ideas.
Why they decided to make Iconoclast a simple record... I do not personally know. Yes. It does not match up to the Classics: Odyssey, Divine, and V in my opinion. But that does not mean it is a bad album either. It actually had some really cool moments but it was not as thorough as the classic albums were.

I do however think that Symphony X should start writing together again... that would be nice and the end product I am sure would be incredible.

And instead of replacing members... don't you guys think a producer would work better instead (I am not even suggesting that necessarily)?

I mean come on... these are the guys that made these albums you guys love. With the exception of Divine on LePond's part and apparently he did not start writing until Paradise Lost? Is that an accurate statement?

But I still have confidence in Symphony X to make something Epic. They just have to do it.
With the exception of Divine on LePond's part and apparently he did not start writing until Paradise Lost? Is that an accurate statement?

LePond co-wrote several tracks on V and The Odyssey, but nothing on Paradise Lost. The only non-Romeo, non-Russ credit on PL was Pinnella on the title track (I'm assuming he wrote the opening recurring piano theme).
LePond co-wrote several tracks on V and The Odyssey, but nothing on Paradise Lost. The only non-Romeo, non-Russ credit on PL was Pinnella on the title track (I'm assuming he wrote the opening recurring piano theme).

Thank you for the update.

Really? Is that all Pinella wrote on PL?

He didn't write the piano parts in the song Paradise Lost?
Thank you for the update.

Really? Is that all Pinella wrote on PL?

He didn't write the piano parts in the song Paradise Lost?

Nope, just the title-track, and nothing on Iconoclast either. Seriously, the entire album is Romeo on music/lyrics and Russ helping out with the latter on occasion. Like, WTF?

If I were LePond, Pinella, and Rullo, I would certainly be feeling like I was getting the shit-end of the stick for the last two albums. I recall one person saying that they talked to LePond at a show shortly after PL's release and he was pretty sad that he didn't get to write anything on the album. I can only imagine the other two must feel similar.

I mean, judging by some of the stuff Pinella has done as of late, I can still hear that he's got the classic Symphony X sound in him, it's just that he's for some (mindbogglingly stupid) reason not getting any chance to give input on the writing process. Despite the guitar being my instrument of choice, most of the best parts on V and the Odyssey are all his contributions.

Hell, I didn't even realize that Rullo was involved in the writing until I looked at my V booklet one more time (I always figured he just wrote parts of Death of Balance, and that was it), but if he really had a role in songs like Fallen, Communion, Egypt, and Rediscovery, then why the fuck has he been pushed to the side like this? :confused:

Same for LePond. He helps write Egypt, Accolade II, Awakenings, and the ending to the Odyssey, only to have his hopes of being a big part of the band shot down in flames? Is this some kind of sick joke? :guh:

Wow, I've really gone off on a tangent here, but when you lay all the facts out on the table, it really becomes clear that this is no longer a band-effort, which really shows in the music (which is still good, but resultantly not nearly as varied). I sincerely hope for the next album that the rest of the band (or at the VERY least Pinella) gets to share their ideas and help put it together.
Nope, just the title-track, and nothing on Iconoclast either. Seriously, the entire album is Romeo on music/lyrics and Russ helping out with the latter on occasion. Like, WTF?

If I were LePond, Pinella, and Rullo, I would certainly be feeling like I was getting the shit-end of the stick for the last two albums. I recall one person saying that they talked to LePond at a show shortly after PL's release and he was pretty sad that he didn't get to write anything on the album. I can only imagine the other two must feel similar.

I mean, judging by some of the stuff Pinella has done as of late, I can still hear that he's got the classic Symphony X sound in him, it's just that he's for some (mindbogglingly stupid) reason not getting any chance to give input on the writing process. Despite the guitar being my instrument of choice, most of the best parts on V and the Odyssey are all his contributions.

Hell, I didn't even realize that Rullo was involved in the writing until I looked at my V booklet one more time (I always figured he just wrote parts of Death of Balance, and that was it), but if he really had a role in songs like Fallen, Communion, Egypt, and Rediscovery, then why the fuck has he been pushed to the side like this? :confused:

Same for LePond. He helps write Egypt, Accolade II, Awakenings, and the ending to the Odyssey, only to have his hopes of being a big part of the band shot down in flames? Is this some kind of sick joke? :guh:

Wow, I've really gone off on a tangent here, but when you lay all the facts out on the table, it really becomes clear that this is no longer a band-effort, which really shows in the music (which is still good, but resultantly not nearly as varied). I sincerely hope for the next album that the rest of the band (or at the VERY least Pinella) gets to share their ideas and help put it together.

No. I agree with you. But I wonder in Pinella and Rullo's case it's because of them spending time with the family.

Russell always has a project to do (Allen/Lande, Avantastia, Star One, Ayreon, Adrenaline Mob). Romeo just writes all the time from what I have taken away in interviews.

Does Russell ever write anything or does he just write the phrases and lyrics out?

I am not sure what LePond does. But this band does need to come together and write a great album. That needs to happen more than anything I believe.

But yeah... I don't understand why Pinella isn't writing more... I mean he was with Romeo since the Dark Chapter.
Mathiäs;10563329 said:
Dead Reckoning is superior to all of those. Songwriting is just better.

Lyrically as well as musically, the songwriting on Dead Reckoning and March of Progress is trite, unoriginal scene rehash. It's not nearly as fresh as those three legacy pieces were. Especially lyrically. Dead Reckoning & March of Progress are shallow, formless listens. I'm not saying they are bad taken as islands in isolation. I am saying that by comparison with what Threshold could once do, they pale and fade from memory far sooner than the lasting marks made by previous efforts. The same can be said of Symphony X.

The only thing that could be argued that is "better" on recent albums is the production, and that is a tenuous argument depending on personal preference for dynamics vs clarity. It doesn't have to be that dichotomy, but it seems with a lot of prog and prog metal bands that's how it is. Over time, we've seen the dynamics present in 70s records diminish while at the same time the advantages of digital production shine through in the clarity of instruments, increased frequency spectrum captured.
Honestly, all Threshold albums sound more or less the same. Except for maybe the drenched-in-keys first album.
I don't like Threshold very much anymore, for some reason. Kinda boring music. Their newer stuff is ever more boring than their old stuff though.
If all of the song writing contribution stuff posted on here is true, then yea... I really hope the rest of the band is allowed to contribute more ideas. I like Iconoclast but it certainly lacks variety compared to most of their other albums.
Mathiäs;10560633 said:
First off, I'm an old member here, and don't post here much anymore because there isn't much activity anymore. But, I wanted to bring something up and see if I'm the only one who shares this opinion.

I think the past two Symphony X albums have been poor (now, before you jump all over me, I'll still listen to them over almost any other band, but they've been poor by the astronomical standards in which I judge Symphony X). Paradise Lost was decent and had some great moments, but it wasn't close to a total classic like The Odyssey, V, etc. The latest album isn't good. I liked the title track; nearly everything else seems bland and boring. I'm worried about their future. I'm not informed about their record sales or anything like that, so I could be wrong, but I don't see them lasting very long if they keep making albums like that. I would be surprised if their fanbase has increased much over the past several years.

I'm of the opinion Romeo may need some help with the songwriting. Maybe some new faces in the band as well. Or maybe their time has come and gone; Dream Theater and Opeth (my other two favorite prog bands) seem to be in a similar positions as well.

What do you guys think? Am in the minority here or not?

Entirely agree on all counts. They should all be doing the songwriting like before.

I just hope Jason Rullo gets better and makes a full recovery. From a personal standpoint, he's my favorite member of the band.
The musical direction of Symphony X's 2 latest albums actually seem great to me. These are actually the only Symphony X albums i listen to, and I love them. The production is incredible and makes the albums sound clear and powerful. Allen's vocals are also more powerful than ever on these albums, so combine all that together and the albums doesnt seem bad at all. Personally, they are my favourite Symphony X albums alongside divine wings of tragedy and olympus.

But about the future of Symphony X? Well, that pretty much depends what do you mean by that. If by future you mean the next album, then I think their future is going to be great, that is if they continue with the musical direction of their last 2 albums. Or if by future you mean whether they'd disband or not, I think they will not disband, just go on a hiatus or something like that. They are more or less on a hiatus now anyway, as the singer Russell Allen is involved with other projects recently.

I, however, agree with what was said here before, and that is that there's a lack of diversity in Symphony X's latest 2 albums. Its completely true, every song sounds repetitive and lacks musical diversity compared to earlier Symphony X albums. That is, however, not necessarily a bad thing in my opinion. It makes things sound much more consistent and conventional to me personally.
I think it's important that all band members are part of the process, but not necessarily writing of songs. There's a difference between a drummer going "okay I can play the fill like this" and "I think the melody should go like this instead".
Mathiäs;10563329 said:
Dead Reckoning is superior to all of those. Songwriting is just better.

Why would he leave SymX? With the amount of time it takes them to release albums, and how sporadically they tour, it'd just be a side project with no reduction in hours given.

Well, he shouldn't. But that's my nightmare scenario.
The worse thing to happen to Symphony X would be to break up.

That band should have more fans and be doing more in general.
I mean I don't understand why they don't do more media stuff as well.

It seemed like they wanted it and now some of the members don't want it.

Quite honestly in my opinion they should be as big if not bigger than Dream Theater.

Dream Theater & Symphony X are my favorite bands. They are pretty much on each others level, well I would say Dream Theater more than likely can improvise better as a whole. Because Symphony X doesn't necessarily do that.
I'm also worried about their future writing of lyrics. They have been their problem since Miller left, IMO. And the ones from the last album...I mean "Hit the switch, you son of a bitch", and stuff like that...
Yeah, the lyrics were pretty terrible on the latest. Laughably bad at times. Again a symptom of Russ doing it all by himself, I think.