SymX mini album review's


New Metal Member
Nov 17, 2010
So here I thought to write mini reviews for each album SymX released up to this point. They're mini, which means it won't be very detailed. Just really brief. Everyone else's welcome to write their own too.

Symphony X
Was an interesting album. Some tunes are nice, some are boring, but I really liked A lesson before dying, Shades of Gray, Taunting the notorious, Rapture or pain. The rest was less interesting but still good. Singer Rod Tyler on this album left the band and literally disappeared after this album. Still actively looking around the Internet for news about him but no luck. The man must have either died or found something more profitable to do with his life.

The Damnation Game
An improvement over the first one. Russell arrives. I liked Dressed to Kill and The Edge of forever, and also the intro to A winter's dream, but the rest of the tunes fail to excite me very much. Not my favourite SymX album but there are some good tunes on here that are worth listening to this album for.

The Divine Wings Of Tragedy
Oh, wow. Just an amazing album. Production really shines, most of the tunes are quite nice and memorable and the 20+ minute title tune is like a gift from heaven I think. Most likely my favourite SymX album ever.

Twilight in Olympus
Some good tunes but others feel like fillers really. Personallly favourite tunes on this one include Lady of the snow, through the looking glass, Church of the machine to name a few. The rest however are pretty bad I think. Good album but is very inconsistent and random.

The New Mythology Suite
Some good tunes but album feels a little bit too random I think. Communion and the oracle is one tune that I think really shines out of all the tunes on the album. Egypt is also nice. The whole album feels like one long song. The final 12 minute or so tune is quite nice, kind of reminds of A lesson before dying but with more interesting composition. Good album overall, but not their best in my opinion.

The Odyssey
An album which I failed to listen to vey much unfortunately. From the few times I did listen to it, I liked the sequel to The Accolade and the first Inferno tune opener. Didn't really like the rest of the tunes but the 22+ title tune was good. Worse than the one on The Divine wings of tragedy though. Overall a decent album but really lacks memorable tunes on there.

Paradise Lost
Really good album. Entire album has clear, loud production which is good for hearing every instrument played. Really liked nearly every single tune on that album, especially Walls of Babylon and Serpent's kiss. Catchy, memorable and fun tunes on this one. Amazing vocal performance on this one from Russell.

Pretty much like Paradise lost but even better. Production is clear and loud here once again. Russell's vocals are so clear that you feel like he is literally singing live right in your house. Loved all the tunes but especially Electric messaiah, Pomethus(I am alive), Bastards of the machine, and title tune. Wished the title tune would have been longer but the album length' itself makes up for it.

Hope you liked reading mine, share yours sometime if you feel like it.
I generally agree with you, or understand your points. Plus as we've talked about these albums countless times for years, I won't be bothered to write in details. What i really really don't agree is that, Russell's vocals are the least amazing in PL, for me. He's just forcing his voice, which is not surprising considering his powerful style. And naturally his cleans doesn't sound decent. As for being powerful, his vocals on The Odyssey is easily the best, but it doesn't sound very natural probably because of the general sound production.
I generally agree with you, or understand your points. Plus as we've talked about these albums countless times for years, I won't be bothered to write in details. What i really really don't agree is that, Russell's vocals are the least amazing in PL, for me. He's just forcing his voice, which is not surprising considering his powerful style. And naturally his cleans doesn't sound decent. As for being powerful, his vocals on The Odyssey is easily the best, but it doesn't sound very natural probably because of the general sound production.
To each his own I guess but I personally think his vocals on PL and Iconoclast are the best. It never sounded to me as if he's forcing anything with his voice. That's why PL, Iconoclast and TDWOT are my favorite SymX albums. I like the heavier stuff, which explains why probably because these 3 have a quite louder sound if you know what I mean by that.
Maybe "forcing his throat" must have been what i said, instead of "voice". I was apalled when i first heard Paradise Lost's vocals, but no; I prefer Russell's powerful cleans like in TDWOT, or smoother cleans in V. I also love his vocal work in Iconoclast. It was very impressive on The Odyssey too, but they don't sound natural as I've said.
Maybe "forcing his throat" must have been what i said, instead of "voice". I was apalled when i first heard Paradise Lost's vocals, but no; I prefer Russell's powerful cleans like in TDWOT, or smoother cleans in V. I also love his vocal work in Iconoclast. It was very impressive on The Odyssey too, but they don't sound natural as I've said.
To me it doesn't really matter if he's forcing the throat or making it sound unnatural or crap like that. If it sounds good, then its good. To be honest his voice always sounds like he's forcing it like that on all SymX, and even on Adrenaline Mob. That's just how his vocal style is like.
I don't believe he's forcing anything in V or The Odyssey or on Iconoclast. The vocals don't seem difficult to perform, considering his style. And if it sounds good to you, yeah that's all that matters. Same here for me. :)
I don't believe he's forcing anything in V or The Odyssey or on Iconoclast. The vocals don't seem difficult to perform, considering his style. And if it sounds good to you, yeah that's all that matters. Same here for me. :)
Yeah, it's just a matter of opinion. But I agree with the "forcing" statement you've made about his voice though. I don't think he's forcing it but it still sounds forced because he has a very powerful and clear voice. So it comes out forced but he isn't necessarily trying to make it come out that way, it just happens. The man is an animal.
I have a dream. I have a dream that one day Symphony X will receive a huge cash injection from the record company so that they can afford a really good producer for the next album. Iconoclast is the first record with a good overall sound, but it can be a lot better.
Symphony X: A decent album, but Rod Tyler's voice just turns me off; I can stand Raging Season, Lesson Before Dying, and Masquerade, but I just can't look past the awful vocals and production on the rest

Damnation Game: Criminally underrated; Edge of Forever and Winter's Dream (prelude) are two of SymX's best ballads, and you can't beat the energy in the choruses of Dressed to Kill and the Haunting

DWOT: Great album, but a little overrated. The energy on the first two is great, but the album starts to lag by the time it gets to Eyes of Medusa and Witching Hour. The title track is still one of my favorite songs by them

Twilight in Olympus: It's overshadowed because it's bookendedby the two albums that are considered their best, but I'd venture to call it maybe better that DWOT (gasp!). Smoke and Mirrors is a tune that exemplifies their more punishing and metal-y style, whereas Through the Looking Glass and Lady of the Snow (probably the only ballad in the world I like more than Edge of Forever) demonstrate their more introspective side.

V: Ambitious, but probably my favorite of their albums. The way the songs are connected is genius, and while some stand out alone as awesome(Evolution, Communion & the Oracle, Egypt), a lot of the others really blend into the fabric of the whole album in an awesome way. Rediscovery pt.2 is probably the worst of their long epics (DWOT, The Odyssey, Lesson Before Dying, Through the Looking Glass), but it's still good.

The Odyssey: Unleash the fire is a weak opening track, but other than that it's an awesome album. The self-titled song is great of course, and The Accolade II is an awesome ballad (Awakenings is pretty simple, but it's fun and I will grudgingly admit to liking the jazzy piano part in the middle). King of Terrors and the Turning are nothing special, but they're pretty cool SymX tracks along the lines of Sea of Lies and Smoke and Mirrors. Plus, I think the vocal solo in Wicked is Russ's best moment with the band\

Paradise Lost: Mixed feelings about this one. Domination remains one of my favorite tracks for when I'm in a pissed off mood, and Paradise Lost is undeniably beautiful. The rest of the album seems a tad uninspired and, although it's easy to get into Set the World on Fire and Eve of Seduction, there's not too much substance to it.

Iconoclast: Pretty awful by Symphony X standards. Reign in Madness and End of Innocence are great, and I kinda like the title track, but the rest is just filler. Russ's vocals are more energetic, but nowhere near as good as in, say, Twilight in Olympus. When All is Lost is clearly their worst ballad.