SymX on MySpace


Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
Symphony X now has an official MySpace page: you can find it at

Much thanks to our esteemed webgoddess Lisa for designing the space; you rock as always, m'lady! It's still a work in progress, so please be patient as we get content put up; MJR will be choosing which songs to upload and such, so once he's decided on that, they'll be added. The same news updates that go here and on the site will go into the blog there, as well. I'm also going to see if I can get the guys to contribute a blog here and there..wish me luck with that. :)
yeah, kind of a demotion. fix official site instead :<

edit: of course I understand that the person fixing that myspace site might not have anything to do with the official site.. but like.. "official myspace site".. rather have a fansite
arglebargle said:

Respect for Symphony X - 100
It's a good thing, even if MySpace isn't. Think of all the moronic teenage minions who might now accidentally stumble across Symphony X. Perhaps it will make them less moronic.
Myspace has become a necissary evil, both for promotions and for someone like myself who needs to stay in the loop on the local scene and such. Sure, it's a shitty place for high school drama to unfold and emo kids to run amok and post suicide notes :lol: (that makes me laugh every time), not to mention the legions of 15 year old girls who pose half naked and wonder why people call them whores... anyhow, it's still a useful tool. You get out of it what you put into it.
It's a matter of their material being there in an authorized capacity. The wannabe myspace pages used SymX's copyrighted material illegally & MJR was not pleased..this way the material will be there with his blessing, and new fans will find the band, and everyone wins.

Don't like it? Don't look at it, simple as that.
arglebargle said:
Hm, I suppose. It just seems so pedestrian for a band like Symphony X to advert on Myspace.
Not taking advantage of a good marketing/promotional tool based on principal alone is not very smart. If Symphony X is "above" myspace, then they lose out on potential fans. Doesn't seem like that's the way it should be hmm?